Career guidance lesson “Profession - veterinarian. Veterinary medicine, working with animals Prospects and career

- Tell us about yourself and your profession. What is your job and how long have you been working?

My name is Irina Vitalievna, I have been working as a Veterinarian for over 19 years. Currently I work in a private clinic. A veterinarian is a very interesting, but at the same time difficult and sometimes even dangerous job.

- Why did you choose this profession?

I chose this profession because since childhood I dreamed of being close to animals, treating and saving them. I want to bring help to our smaller brothers, since recently they are increasingly vulnerable and unprotected.

- What attracts you to your profession?

What attracts me to this profession is that I not only save animals, but also give joy to their owners. It brings me pleasure to see happy, healthy animals, because the most important thing in our lives is to help our neighbors.

- What is the most difficult thing in your work?

The most difficult thing in my work is observing people’s cruelty towards defenseless animals, indifference. In addition, both moral and physical difficulties arise. The human factor is competent communication with pet owners.

- Are you satisfied that you once chose this profession?

Yes, I am glad that I once chose this profession, I don’t regret it. Even the fact that work takes a lot of personal time and effort will not force me to go to a more “quiet” job.

I can recommend this profession to people who sincerely love animals, are interested in nature, are kind and sympathetic. But for people who are squeamish - absolutely not! Animals do not get sick according to a schedule; you need to be ready to help at any time.

- What would you like to warn those who are planning to get the same profession as yours?

I can warn you that this profession requires high psychological stability and communication skills. You will have to not only know how to properly treat an animal, but also how to properly communicate with its owner.

- Was it difficult to master your profession? What kind of education do you need to get for this?

Mastering the profession of a veterinarian is not difficult if you are interested in it. You need to obtain a higher education, as well as constantly improve your professional level by attending various seminars on innovations in veterinary medicine and advanced training courses.

- Does a person who decides to become a specialist in this field need any special qualities?

Of course, for this work it is very important to be kind and responsive, as well as to have a quick reaction to what is happening around, in order to help the animal in time. Be cold-blooded, with a stable psyche.

- Does your profession bring good income?

Yes, a veterinarian is a very profitable profession, and it is also in great demand nowadays. But at the same time, it’s not for everyone, if that’s what you’re interested in. You work for the benefit of animals and people, as well as for yourself.

- Have you ever had to make difficult and responsible decisions during the treatment of an animal?

Yes, I had to. Throughout my work, I have had to make difficult and responsible decisions more than once. This is another difficulty of my work, sometimes I even regret that I had to do this and not otherwise.

- Which do you prefer to treat: small domestic animals or cattle?

I prefer to treat small pets, although if it is necessary to help a large animal, I will gladly take on any work, even complex ones. After all, this is my job.

- If you were offered to change your profession to a higher paying one, would you agree?

No, as I said earlier, the profession of veterinarian brings me sufficient income, and besides, this profession is connected with animals, to which I am not indifferent. Moreover, this is a childhood dream, and I am glad that I realized it.

- Would you advise your children to choose this profession?

Yes. I would really like my daughter to become a veterinarian just like me. She listens to my advice, helps me in the clinic, takes a closer look and practically consolidates what she saw, heard, and read.

- Would you like to open your own veterinary clinic?

Yes. Although being a veterinarian is already a fairly lucrative job, opening my own veterinary clinic is one of the goals of my work, even a dream. My motto is, if you want something, make an effort and everything will come true.

The interview was conducted by Marina Yaroshenko, a 9th grade student

The profession of a veterinarian has always been held in high esteem. A person who heals animals, birds, reptiles, etc. is worthy of respect. The work of a veterinarian also involves preventing various diseases, performing castration, sterilization and vaccination operations. The responsibilities of this doctor include helping animals during the birth process and euthanizing hopeless pets.

The demand for the veterinarian profession is average. Modern "aibolit" treats a wide variety of animals. An experienced doctor will help cure not only a cat, dog or hamster, but also exotic animals and even predators.

Not only pet owners use the services of veterinarians. The functions of these doctors also include quality control of animal products that arrive on the shelves of our stores and markets. If products do not comply with sanitary standards, veterinarians are required to ban the sale or confiscate the goods. Specialists working in laboratories conduct research in the field of various diseases, detect infectious agents and search for cures for diseases that affect animals.

To become a veterinarian, you need to study at an institute for 5 years. After which the graduate becomes a general practitioner and can begin his career as an assistant to a more experienced and qualified doctor. Until recently, people with this specialty were employed mainly in agriculture and on farms. But today universities have both departments of domestic and exotic animals.

Nowadays, in veterinary clinics you can increasingly find specialists with a narrower focus. It is recommended that students choose a direction at the very beginning of their studies. Depending on interests and desires, the future veterinarian can specialize in traumatology, surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, etc.

Doctors can work not only in equipped premises and in the open air. Every pet owner also knows perfectly well that an animal disease specialist can come to your home on call if necessary. The veterinarian will diagnose and prescribe treatment for your pet.

A special feature of the veterinarian’s profession is that his work involves constant traveling and business trips. Therefore, this type of activity should be chosen by those people who will not be oppressed by frequent trips.

Being a veterinarian has both pros and cons. Only a person who truly loves animals and birds will enjoy this work. Constant communication with different people and animals can also be considered a positive aspect in the profession. But quite dangerous in this specialty is the risk of being, for example, bitten. At the same time, the possibility of serious diseases that can be transmitted to a veterinarian from a sick animal cannot be excluded.

Personal qualities

A prerequisite for mastering the profession of a veterinarian is a boundless love for animals. Important qualities for these doctors are courage, quick reaction, and physical endurance. Since this work is quite specific, and sometimes unpredictable, it requires mental and emotional balance from the doctor. Veterinarians, in addition to their direct professional responsibilities, often have to be able to listen to animal owners and sympathize with them.

Operating doctors need to have developed hand motor skills. To achieve success in this profession you will also need a good memory, high intelligence, logical thinking, observation and attentiveness.

Education (What do you need to know?)

Most universities train universal veterinarians primarily to work with farm animals (cows, pigs, chickens). Narrower specialization can be obtained on a paid basis at various educational institutions. Those who want to treat animals and birds enter veterinary academies and agricultural institutes.

To succeed in the veterinary profession, you should pay attention to such disciplines as biology, animal physiology, chemistry, and pharmaceuticals. It is also necessary to know the specifics of keeping a wide variety of species of birds and animals.

Place of work and career

Veterinarians work in animal clinics, on farms, in laboratories at institutes and universities, in meat and poultry plants, in nurseries, in circuses, and at sanitary and epidemiological stations.

With great desire and commitment, a veterinarian can make a career and become the head physician of a clinic. Some experienced and qualified doctors with extensive work experience prefer to open their own veterinary clinics, inviting their colleagues to cooperate.

a career guidance lesson with beautiful photos and wonderful music that talks about the wonderful profession of veterinarian

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes, He finds his happiness in his work. Their work has become irreplaceable for the village, Veterinarian is a good profession.

Who understands the animal world better? -Veterinarian - they will answer you willingly. Animals are a generous gift from God, a veterinarian guards it through his labors.

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes, He finds his happiness in his work. Their work has become irreplaceable for the village, Veterinarian is a good profession.

He devotes all his heart to the cause, Do your good, veterinarian! And gratitude is knocking on your door - May veterinarians live long in the world...

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Slide 2 Who understands the animal world better?
-Veterinarian - they will answer you willingly.
Animals are a generous gift from God,
It is kept by a laboring veterinarian.

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes,
He finds his happiness in his work.
Their work has become irreplaceable for the village,
A veterinarian is a good profession.

He devotes all his heart to his work,
Do your good, veterinarian!
And gratitude is knocking on your door
- Long live the veterinarians...

Slide 3 Veterinarian - a person involved in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties. Purpose of the profession "Veterinarian" (veterinarian): health protection and treatment of domestic and farm animals.

Slide 4 Once upon a time, people not only looked for friends in animals, but also depended on them in many ways. Before the advent of cars, the horse was the main means of transportation; it was used for plowing and transporting heavy loads; its health largely determined the prosperous existence of the owner and his family. And in many ancient civilizations, a person’s well-being depended on the number of livestock he owned.

Slide 5 Actually, the word “veterinarian” itself translated into Russian means “healing livestock.” Veterinarian is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. People began to heal animals since their domestication. In ancient states they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly valued such people. In Ancient Egypt there was an educational institution called the House of Life. training specialists who use animals. Papyri that are more than three thousand years old have been preserved, with descriptions of livestock diseases and methods of treating them.

Slide 6 In Ancient Greece there were horse doctors. They were called hippiaters. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests treated animals. They have long treated cattle in Rus'. The first written mention of horse doctors can be read in Novgorod scribe books of the 15th century.

Slide 7 Currently, there are many branches of veterinary medicine (even such exotic ones as ichthyopathology - fish treatment), which indicates the successful development of this industry at the present time.

Slide 8 Nowadays, the profession of veterinarian, in addition to direct treatment of animals, includes many different areas. By and large, the health of its citizens depends on how well the veterinary service is organized in the country. The fact is that it is constantly fighting against diseases that can pose a danger to people. Veterinarians control the quality of meat, milk, eggs and other products of animal origin at veterinary points and stations, farms, meat and dairy and food control stations. In villages, all farm animals are under the constant supervision of this specialist, and he is responsible not only for their health, but also for maintaining animal hygiene on farms, the sanitary condition of equipment, he sets the diet for livestock, gives vaccinations against infectious diseases, and delivers babies.

Slide 9 Any veterinarian, after graduating from an educational institution, chooses a specific specialization, treating a specific group of animals. But most often, a veterinarian is a healer of the widest profile. He is a surgeon, an orthopedist, a gastroenterologist, an ophthalmologist, and an ultrasound doctor - in general, he must cure everything that can get sick.

Slide 10 Treating animals is sometimes much more difficult than treating people. The patient will not explain what and where it hurts, and will not describe the symptoms. A happy recovery is often accompanied by death, tears and pain. Only a veterinarian can save a monkey with a broken paw from suffering, cure a kitten from stomach pain, or save the life of a dog choking on a bone. The doctor helps every patient: from a bear to a hamster. The reward is priceless... a cat licking a hand with gratitude, the joyful faces of the owners of a rescued parrot.

Slide 11 Therefore, when choosing a veterinarian profession, you must first of all be guided by a great love for animals. Four-legged patients feel this love very well, so they agree to endure the most painful procedure from one doctor, but will not even allow another to examine themselves. It happened that a young certified specialist had to change his profession due to the fact that animals categorically refused to communicate with him. A veterinarian's talent, like any other, is a gift from above.

Slide 12 The following qualities are important in it: patience, hard work, determination, resourcefulness, diligence, discipline, perseverance, responsibility, physical strength, endurance, courage, memory span, logical thinking, stress resistance

Slide 14 The most humane profession can be called a doctor who heals animals. A veterinarian must be a true professional with a human heart. No wonder there is a saying: doctors treat people, and veterinarians treat all humanity.

Animal world - from nature

Part of people's reality.

Only animal misfortunes,

Many are quickly driven away.

Only veterinarians

They will be able to quench the pain,

With the smallest patient,

Let's make long lasting friendships!

Slide 15 The main reason I chose this profession is my boundless love for animals. And if you want to help animals, then this profession is for you!

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Who understands the animal world better? -Veterinarian - they will answer you willingly. Animals are a generous gift from God, a veterinarian guards it through his labors.

He keeps this gift from all misfortunes, He finds his happiness in his work. Their work has become irreplaceable for the village, Veterinarian is a good profession.

He devotes all his heart to the cause, Do your good, veterinarian! And gratitude is knocking on your door - May veterinarians live long in the world...

A veterinarian is a person involved in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.

Purpose of the profession "Veterinarian" (veterinarian): health protection and treatment of domestic and farm animals.

  • The word "veterinarian" from Latin means "healing livestock."
  • Veterinarian is one of the most ancient professions on Earth. People began to heal animals since their domestication.
  • In ancient states they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly valued such people. In Ancient Egypt there was an educational institution called the House of Life.

  • In ancient Greece there were horse doctors. They were called hippiaters.
  • In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests treated animals.
  • They have long treated cattle in Rus'. The first written mention of horse doctors can be read in Novgorod scribe books of the 15th century.

Four-legged patients feel this love very well, so they agree to endure the most painful procedure from one doctor, but will not even allow another to examine themselves. A veterinarian's talent, like any other, is a gift from above.

  • Patience
  • Hard work
  • Determination
  • Resourcefulness
  • Performance
  • Discipline
  • Perseverance
  • Responsibility
  • Physical strength
  • Endurance
  • Courage
  • Memory Duration
  • Logical thinking
  • Stress resistance

Doctors treat people

and veterinarians -

all of humanity.

Animal world - from nature

Part of people's reality.

Only animal misfortunes,

Many are quickly driven away.

Only veterinarians

They will be able to quench the pain,

With the smallest patient,

Let's make long lasting friendships!

Thank you



If you are looking for a profession and would like to work with animals, then you should first solve the problem: what kind of professional actions would you like to perform with animals. Animals can be treated, fed, bred, researched, trained, and used for rescue purposes. These actions correspond to professions - the profession of a veterinarian, the profession of a livestock specialist, the profession of a dog handler, the profession of a groomer. Let's say you decide for yourself that you would like to treat animals. Then you face a second task: what animals would you like to treat? This is a professionally important question because it determines the way of life. Say: I want to treat cattle. Then you will have to live in the village, because the profession of a cattle veterinarian is practiced in agriculture. If you absolutely want to live in the city, then count mainly on dogs and cats. What? It's no problem. But if you say: I want to give stylish haircuts to dogs, then the stumbling block will be the size of the locality. In small towns in Russia, it is not yet customary to take dogs to a professional groomer - a dog hairdresser. When choosing a profession related to animals, ask yourself: Do I love animals to such an extent that I would deal with them every day and year. The profession of a veterinarian and livestock specialist requires both psychological endurance and physical strength of the arms and back. A livestock specialist and a veterinarian have to deliver animals, and this is both difficult and extremely responsible. A livestock specialist cares for young animals from the first minute of their birth. In modern agriculture, this is done in a civilized and professional manner, which means that the livestock specialist is constantly learning and improving his professional qualifications. A veterinarian and livestock specialist who can do everything and knows everything is highly paid. Representatives of these professions are in demand throughout the civilized world. The joy in these professions stems from the specialist’s constant contact with living nature, from the variety of activities and from the obvious effectiveness of the professional’s work and his constant professional development.

At first glance, the answer to the question “what does a veterinarian do?” obvious: he heals animals. However, the areas of activity of such specialists differ quite greatly. Working in a specialized clinic or pharmacy is one thing, but fighting diseases that are common to both animals and humans is another.

This is an entire veterinary service that carries out sanitary control not only of livestock products, but also of the condition of various mechanisms and units used in the “service” of the animals themselves, as well as equipment used in various retail outlets.

So the veterinarian’s profession is not limited to the actual treatment of our little brothers - such workers are also involved in preventing the occurrence and spread of diseases in people.

Places of work

The position of a veterinarian is provided for in many organizations related to working with animals and livestock products:

  • veterinary clinics and pharmacies;
  • farms and state farms;
  • circuses and zoos;
  • shops, markets and other institutions.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the service in government supervisory authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, etc.).

History of the profession

It is quite difficult to determine exactly when a person began to treat animals - perhaps almost immediately when he began to domesticate and benefit from them. The first written evidence of such an activity has been preserved from Ancient Egypt - it is more than 3000 years old.

In Ancient Rus' there were also special doctors for horses, as mentioned in birch bark documents. The first veterinarians with higher education began to be trained in Russia in 1808, when a special veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy.

Responsibilities of a veterinarian

Here's what a veterinarian's primary responsibilities might look like:

  • treatment of animals in a clinic or at home;
  • collection and transportation of materials for analysis;
  • preventive measures (vaccination, sterilization, castration, haircut, teeth cleaning, microchipping, etc.);
  • reception, demonstration and assistance in choosing goods;
  • filling out documentation.

Requirements for a veterinarian

The standard requirements for a veterinarian look like this:

  • higher specialized education;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • knowledge of veterinary drugs and vaccines, as well as therapeutic diets of specialized feed manufacturers;
  • computer skills.

Veterinarian resume sample

How to become a veterinarian

You can become a veterinarian by graduating from a specialized educational institution. In this case, it is worth paying attention to two points.

Firstly, as a rule, veterinarians are trained to work with farm, “useful” animals. But in order to treat domestic animals, you often have to complete some additional courses.

Secondly, in recent years there has been an active diversification of specializations: among veterinarians there are not only “general specialists”, but also surgeons, traumatologists, ophthalmologists, etc. And it is advisable to choose this or another veterinary specialty at the very beginning of your training.

And, of course, in addition to love, animals must also have a certain inclination towards biology, chemistry and related disciplines.

Veterinarian salary

How much a veterinarian receives depends significantly on the region, on the profile of the institution, and on whether it is public or private. In the capital, of course, the income of specialists is higher. A veterinarian's salary ranges from 25,000 to 150,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a veterinarian is approximately 33,000 rubles per month.