Your own business: how to open a tattoo parlor? Business plan for a tattoo parlor: necessary documents and equipment

Tattoo art is one of the most ancient on Earth. It is about 30 thousand years old.

That is, as soon as a person I learned to walk upright and create basic tools, and immediately began to paint my body.

But tattoos have never been just decoration. They denoted belonging to a nation, ethnic or social group, caste, or profession.

Tattoos protected from evil spirits, brought good luck, talked about love, demonstrated achievements, and warned of danger. Body paintings were very popular among pagans. But in Christianity, tattoos are prohibited - it is believed that they disfigure the perfect body created by the Creator. It was decided to devote this review to the question of how to open a tattoo parlor.

The popularity of body images in the modern world

States are now mostly secular, and the population is not particularly religious. Tattoo fashion is back. Both young and mature people decorate their bodies with drawings. Various flowers, butterflies, the names of loved ones, as well as ancient magical signs and Chinese characters are applied to the skin. Tattooing is no longer just a part of prison culture.

They stopped calling it “tattoo”. Many “free artists”, specialists in tattooing, have appeared. And of course, budding entrepreneurs are thinking about opening a modern salon that would specialize in applying body images. So, how to open a tattoo parlor?

Where is the best place to open your own salon?

As a rule, tattoo parlors open at fitness centers, hairdressers, and beauty parlors. By type of activity they are equivalent to treatment rooms. Here they can not only apply tattoos, but also do piercings, scarring, permanent makeup, sell equipment or conduct master classes.

What should the room be like?

Before opening a tattoo parlor, you need to find a good premises. The requirements for it are high: at least 12 square meters. m for each workplace, a separate entrance, washable walls, floors and even ceilings (analogous to an operating room), the presence of a utility room. This is the minimum, unless, of course, we are talking about an underground office for alternative youth.

The approach to the location is usual: convenient transport interchange, mandatory parking, high traffic of people. A plus is the proximity to a metro station, a large shopping center, market, etc. An interesting, noticeable sign and an overall presentable appearance are a must. It is easy to find out for yourself the cost of renting such premises in the city of interest.

Don't skimp on equipment

How to open a tattoo parlor? Care should be taken to purchase all the necessary equipment. About 100 thousand rubles will be needed to purchase equipment: chairs, needles, paints, etc. You should not save on a device for laser tattooing. By refusing a tattoo removal service, you can lose clients.

A very important element, without which it will not be possible to design a high-quality business plan for a tattoo parlor, is the presence of a computer on which the graphic part of this business idea will be stored. You will need to install the necessary software through which the drawings will be processed.

A special chair is also required. For a tattoo parlor, it plays an important role, since it is on it that the client will sit during the application of the image.

Who must be found without fail?

To design a high-quality business plan for a tattoo parlor, you need to decide on hiring staff. The main resource for the salon is the master, the artist (that’s exactly what they consider themselves to be). Here you will have to “hunt heads.” They will have to be lured away from competitors, searched among acquaintances who are lovers of tattoos and piercings. It is to the master that clients will go, even to a remote area of ​​the city.

As a rule, the artist takes up to 50% of the order cost. That is, from the shaft, and not from net profit. This percentage can be differentiated. It may depend on whose client it is. Thus, the tattoo artist will be interested in not only bringing his clients to the salon, but also finding new ones.

Mandatory workplace certification

Do you need a license for a tattoo parlor? It is simply necessary. In addition, each workplace is subject to certification. It is mandatory to provide employees with medical records. Most often, a tattoo artist does not have a medical education.

This situation is contradictory. On the one hand, doctors do not know how to draw, and on the other, the artist deals with needles, blood, contraindications, complications, etc. Therefore, a certified physician is required on staff, at least to make clients feel more relaxed.

What documents are needed to open a tattoo parlor? First of all, you will need to register your business, choosing LLC as the legal form. You will also need to obtain permission to open a salon from Rospotrebnadzor, Fire Supervision and the administration. A document confirming the rental of the premises will be required. Well, you can’t do without a medical license. These are all mandatory documents for a tattoo parlor, which you will need to collect in any case.

Advertising activities to promote the salon

When the equipment for the tattoo parlor has been purchased and the documents have been collected, it is worthwhile to thoroughly engage in advertising activities. The main channel for promoting a tattoo parlor is word of mouth, which is also free. It will definitely work if clients are satisfied with the salon’s services.