School of rational reading. Courses to develop reading skills, understanding texts and retelling. Dynamic expansion of the field of perception

A modern school should prepare a thinking and feeling person who not only has knowledge, but also knows how to use this knowledge in life.

How to get children interested in reading? What to offer or do so that the child’s eyes light up and he reaches for the art book? How to influence a student through his own efforts? What examples and textbooks can be used to captivate children into the world of knowledge, children who have just crossed the threshold of school?

Mastering reading techniques and speech is a necessary condition for the formation of a socially active personality. Everyone needs to learn to read well, express their thoughts, and be able to speak convincingly and clearly. Therefore, I consider mastering the method of rational reading to be one of the most important tasks at the present stage of student education.

I start my work by practicing the pronunciation of sounds. If speech defects are detected, the children work in parallel with a speech therapist. During my lessons I use a set of phonetic and articulation exercises that help children develop the correct pronunciation of sounds and quick pronunciation of words.

1. Pronounce the syllables clearly.


2. Finish the line.

Sha-sha-sha-...mother washes the baby.

3. Finish the word.

Ra-Ra-Ra - went out into the field (kids)

4. What sound is often repeated?

We bought a rubber doll in a store,
Rubber Zina was brought in a basket.

5. Guess the riddle. How many words with the letter Z have you come across?

I don't buzz when I sit
I don't buzz when I walk.
If I'm spinning in the air,
I'll have a blast at this point.

6. Finish the last syllable.

BU-…, VE-…., RO- .., LI-…

To teach children to pronounce words clearly and clearly when reading, I use tongue twisters and tongue twisters in lessons.

ZHA-ZHA-ZHA – the hedgehog has needles.

How to teach children so that they understand the text they read? Understanding a literary text depends on many things: a deep understanding of each word, the ability to focus attention, connect the imagination, retain incoming text information in memory, the ability to compare, predict, and extract meaning from subtextual information.

The preliminary work can be small exercises, which are important to give in 1st grade, when the child begins to read short texts. These tasks enrich children's vocabulary, clarify many concepts, and teach them to establish connections between individual parts of what they read. The exercises can be used for both oral and written work. The children are given cards. Each child takes turns reading his assignment out loud and trying to give an answer, the rest help him if he has difficulty.

People who catch animals are called. . . . . . . . . . . .

They call it a snow storm. . . . . . . . .

You can use practice cards during reading lessons. The purpose of the training card is to teach the child to use one or another method of understanding the text in the reading process.

Sample training card.

My uncle was driving without a vest,
He paid a fine for this.

The goalkeeper has a big catch:
There are five oxen at its gate.

A man was in a hurry to visit, lightly -
He held a bunch of rams in his hand.

While reading something or other, many children spend all their mental energy on the reading process itself - the child gets all tense, he is afraid that the word will probably be read, he stumbles over polysyllabic words, he does not know how to perceive them into groups of words into a single whole. He has no strength left to understand the meaning of what he read.

Reading speed is, of course, an indicator of reading technique, but it is far from the only one. It is necessary to bring the reading technique to the point that the student thinks about the meaning of what he is reading. The time spent reading aloud should be 200 hours, and silently - 2000 hours.

Before talking about the analysis of reading techniques, it is necessary to draw the reader’s attention to the problem of reading culture.

What is speech culture?

  1. This is the ability to relatively quickly understand the semantic structure of the text, to highlight the main semantic positions of the content of the material read.
  2. Knowledge of examples of memorizing text.
  3. The ability to activate one’s own thought, to record one’s own thoughts and ideas.
  4. Speech culture - understanding the text.
  5. Reading speed.

People stop thinking
When they stop reading.

Reading, according to many outstanding Russian scientists, teachers, psychologists, plays a huge role in education, upbringing and human development. Reading is the main tool of primary school, with which it can influence both the mental and moral development of students, develop and strengthen their thought and curiosity.

In 1981, based on the methods of France, the GDR, Russian developments and extensive practical experience, a method of teaching speed reading was created by Marat Aleksandrovich Zyuganov.

This technique allows you to increase your reading technique with an initial speed of 35 to 100 words per minute. Having familiarized myself with and tested this technique, I began to apply it in my practice. Unlike the traditional system of teaching fluent reading, it is based on active independent and individual work, in accordance with abilities and capabilities. Rational reading skills are developed, reinforced, and then used in practice most effectively if deficiencies are eliminated at the beginning.

  1. Lack of self-confidence, psychological unpreparedness for reading
  2. Unproductive returns to words read. This kind of repetition can be explained by the student’s desire to establish himself in the accuracy of his understanding of the meaning of what he is reading.
  3. Pronouncing the words you read to yourself. The student reads the word first, and then immediately repeats it again
  4. Narrow field of immediate perception. The student does not see the next word

To eliminate these shortcomings, a number of multifunctional exercises are used.

Exercises to develop speed reading.

1. Reading using the method of rhythmic fixation.

* - point of fixation of gaze.

On * Saturday * we * visited* the * zoo again.*

The text is read at the rate of counting “one” - “two” or read dot by dot, fixing the word with the gaze between the black or green dots. This method can be used effectively during literacy learning. To do this, you can write down a sentence on the board and put dots between the words. On the interactive board, children themselves can draw points of fixation of their gaze and practice reading techniques.

This method can be used in the second and third grades during individual work. Jump reading of “Kangaroo”, with dots placed after each logical pause.

2. Reading using the rhythmic sliding method.

The words are read smoothly, the text is read along the arrows. Arrows can be applied directly in printed text, as well as using multimedia technologies.

In the second option, the arrows can be made of black cardboard.

The rhythmic sliding method can be used at different stages of the lesson.

3. Reading using the speed boost method.

Cover the line with a sheet of white paper. The sheet of paper is moved at a speed slightly faster than the speed of the gaze moving from line to line. The developed method can be used for working in pairs in the classroom and at home with the participation of parents in practicing fluent reading at home. All these exercises are purely technical. They are focused on improving fluent, correct reading skills. New technologies are needed to fundamentally change reading techniques.

The effectiveness of the reading process is closely related to the efficiency of memory.

1. Development of large-scale attention.

After reading a word, children must simultaneously count the number of letters in the word, in a phrase, in a sentence. This method is suitable for playful moments in reading lessons.

Game “Help Snow White”

How many letters “Zh” are there in the word buzz?
- Which word has more “C” letters? (sausage, neighbors)

Game “Count, make no mistake”

How many words are there in a quatrain?
- How many words are in the first sentence?
- How many vowels are in the last word?

2. Development of large-scale and flexible attention.

When looking at the text, you need to find the right word, date, first name, last name, profession name, for a certain time.

This method helps the student quickly navigate the text, be more attentive, and develop memory. Popular science articles from a textbook, as well as those taken from reference literature, are suitable for this method.

3. Development of complex attention.

Read two texts in parallel. You can stop reading the text at any point. The interruption point is fixed with a finger. In a minimum amount of time, with maximum quality, master both texts.

For work, texts can be taken from:

  1. Textbook or one of them;
  2. From another textbook.
  3. One of the texts on the interactive board.

4. Dynamic expansion of the field of perception.

To work on the dynamic expansion of the field of perception, geometric shapes, buttons, and object pictures of various shapes and colors are needed.

This method can be exchanged as a game or creative work.

Place object pictures on your fingers and learn to see from the first to the last figure

In the reading lesson, in the “Spring” section, subject pictures can depict early blooming flowers. After practical work, the task is given to compose a story about a flower and a fairy tale according to the options.

Each speed reading method has its own characteristics, which in one way or another affect the entire reading process. These methods must be thoroughly processed and selected individually, to awaken children to a speedy but natural transition from smooth syllabic to reading whole words and subsequently groups of words, i.e. to the most rational way of reading. With proper work on teaching speed reading, every primary school student is capable of not only achieving certain reading standards, but also exceeding them.

Improving reading technique is one of the main tasks of teaching primary schoolchildren. The formation of the student’s personality, the formation of his attitude to learning, school, teacher, students, class staff, and himself largely depend on the organization of teaching children to read.

If a child has not mastered reading, he feels inferior, loses faith in his strength and ability to study successfully.

Autotraining is a method based on self-hypnosis that will help each student change their views. The student must be able to set a goal and work hard to achieve it. Be able to convince himself that he can read better, faster, more expressively.

Psychological preparation for reading is carried out individually or collectively.

Sample questions:

  1. Why do you want to read the text?
  2. Where will the obtained data be used?

Sample text of auto-training.

I'm attentive. I will not make mistakes when reading. I will read faster than yesterday. I should read better!

At the parent meeting, I conduct a survey that allows me to analyze home reading and give individual recommendations to parents.

  1. What books has your child read with you?
  2. How many books have you given your child?
  3. Who is your son or daughter's favorite author?
  4. Is there a library at home?
  5. How long does your child spend reading?

A creative approach to speed reading has a good effect if the exercises are reinforced and repeated when doing homework. Children read with interest and spend a lot of time with books in preparation for messages and project work, without the help of their parents.

STAGE 1 (7-11 years old)


Course Description:

In our classes, we teach children how to breathe correctly while reading and conduct breathing exercises. Under our supervision, children practice correct eye movements when reading so that their eyes become less tired and strained.

Children are actively mastering a new reading technique; they want to read more. Therefore, at the next stage of classes, the teacher helps each child to increase their reading speed and improve the quality of their speech.

In each topic of the course, general attention and memorization of texts are studied. We give children special exercises to develop creative thinking.

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

“Fast reading + Development of memory and attention”
STAGE 2 (7-14 years old)


Course Description:

At the 1st stage of our course, children have already acquired basic skills, learned how to work with text correctly, learned to read faster and understand the text better.

We invite the children to strengthen their acquired knowledge and skills in practice with us. This is a gradual process and requires effort and control.

Stage 2 of the course will help children improve their reading speed and quality, and consolidate new knowledge.

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

"Quick Reading"
(12-18 years old)


Course Description:

During the lessons we help children learn correct reading techniques. We teach them to highlight the main information without losing the meaning of the entire text. This is a very important skill for ages 12-18.

Children want to go out more and study less, but information flows are only increasing and schoolchildren’s performance is falling. Our course will make school learning easier - thanks to new reading techniques, children's academic performance will increase.

Much attention in classes is devoted to the study of paragraphs: types, breakdown into component parts, order and location in the text. The teacher devotes special time to working on mistakes.

During the lesson there is active work with attention when reading, concentration techniques are practiced. Children work to increase their vocabulary and improve their reading quality.

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

"Memory development"
(12-18 years old)


Course Description:

Our methodology allows children to learn how to work with educational and popular science literature, understand texts they read and retell them. As children grow older, they need to process different types of information; this useful skill will come in handy for them.

We teach every child to memorize complex words and expressions. This skill is useful for reading and reproducing poems, novels, and stories.

Our teachers pay special attention in classes to memorizing numbers and working with tables and formulas. Children will be able to remember precise information with dates, place names, numbers, names.

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

"Preparation for school"
(up to 7 years)


Course Description:

This is an intensive and fun course that will prepare your child for school in a fun and effective way.

School is stressful, so it is necessary to help your child prepare in advance for a new regime and adapt to unfamiliar conditions.

The point of our classes is to advance the child’s mental development, improving his perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor sphere, voluntary behavior, that is, everything that underlies the child’s successful development of the future curriculum.

Classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child:

  • development of the articulatory apparatus
  • development of logical thinking, attention, memory with the help of intellectual educational games
  • speech development (speech therapy games, games to expand the child’s vocabulary, speech attention, retelling training)
  • working with numbers: recalculation and solving examples
  • development of fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing
  • reading training

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

*At the first and last lessons, the child is tested to assess the learning outcome.

Maintain acquired skills
you can with our help

Why does a child need a support group?

Knowledge without application is quickly forgotten. Modern schools overload children with information, asking them to study many materials on their own. Children cannot cope with large amounts of information.

We have created special knowledge support groups where your child can continue learning under our supervision. After all, parents don’t always have time at home.

And we really want your children not only to take our courses, but to successfully apply new knowledge in their studies and later life.

Lesson frequency:

1 time per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

Schedule of our classes

Dear Parents!

We have prepared a convenient course schedule for your children. All you need to do is choose the appropriate format: group or individual.

If your child missed a lesson, don’t worry! He will be able to go through it with another group or individually.

Learning from books about speed reading is one of the learning options. But still, face-to-face training gives more effect. True, the costs in time and money are more significant.

But no matter what path someone who wants to improve their skills chooses, it will be useful to find out who is teaching speed reading in Russia now. I don’t want to say that I can talk about everyone, but I will mention the most significant figures. I won't give any ratings.

The history of the educational center begins in 1981 with the creation of a scientific and methodological laboratory that studied human intellectual capabilities and abilities. The original name of the center was “School of Rational Reading”.
In 2004, the NOU “School of Rational Reading” changed its name to the NOU “Presidential School” and was divided into 2 areas: “Presidential Business School” (programs for adults) and “Presidential School” (programs for children).

The institution of PRESIDENCE is understood as any leadership - both the leadership of an enterprise, and a team, and one’s own destiny. Presidents are elected in schools, clubs, and student organizations. A president is a person who, with the help of his abilities, can take his life and the lives of the people around him to a qualitatively new level. The Presidential School develops abilities that allow people not only to gain knowledge, but also to achieve specific results with its help.

The school has branches in 8 cities of Russia.

Ziganov Marat Alexandrovich— Director and founder of the School of Rational Reading, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Author of 4 textbooks, 12 books and over 200 scientific and popular articles, author of educational technology "Intellect".
In 2000, M.A. Ziganov’s methods received international recognition, and their author was awarded a medal from Cambridge (England) and included by the Cambridge Biographical Center among the outstanding scientists of the 20th century in the field of “Development of reading skills, memory and intellectual abilities.”

3. School of speed reading and information management Vasilyeva L.L.

The school was founded in 1991 as a center for human intellectual development.
According to the methods of Vasilyeva L.L. There are 69 schools in 47 cities in Russia and Europe.

Lidia Lvovna Vasilyeva- founder of the School of Speed ​​Reading and Information Management, headquartered in Yekaterinburg.
Has a philological education.
Since the 1970s he has been working in the field of education.
In 1991, based on her own methods for developing intelligence, she opened a private School of Speed ​​Reading.
Holder of 10 certificates of the Russian Society of Authors, Conclusions of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education.

Author's methods:
“Speed ​​reading. Memory development and information management.”
“Wunderkind” (preparatory school, primary school).
“Reading technique. Memory development" (for children from 10 to 13 years old).
Anti-aging program.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Ekaterina Evgenievna Vasilyeva.
Honorary Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Vasiliev Vladimir Yurievich.

The Vasiliev Author's School was opened in Krasnodar in 1999.
In 2005, we started in Moscow with three training programs:
– “ENGLISH-Memory”
– “Speed ​​reading in a new way”
– “SUPER-Memory: how to remember in order to remember”

There are certainly many other talented speed reading teachers out there. But there are so many of them that it is difficult to single out anyone among this multitude. Still, they are the first.
Perhaps I'm wrong. But when I read books or listen to new authors on speed reading, I don’t find anything new. And at the same time, when the need for a more fundamental book arises, as a rule, it is not available in any online store; there are simply no reprints of it and they become a bibliographic rarity.
But on the Internet, speed reading courses are mushrooming, advertising a 5-10 times increase in speed. For what?

I think that the future trend will not be towards increasing speed - reading speed has a very limited area of ​​​​use. The trend will be towards Rational Reading, although now, as can be seen from the query statistics, the ratio of speed reading and rational reading queries is: 14,338 and 262.

It is necessary to improve the quality of reading, not its speed. After all, no matter what the speed, it is still impossible to read all the books.
But even if you read 10,000 books, what does this “book erudition” give in life? Why was so much time wasted? As a rule, the answer is difficult to find, but many do not even think about it, carried away by the very process of absorbing books.
To begin with, it is worth at least dividing what you read into two groups: reading for pleasure and reading to obtain some result.
But we will talk about this in the following articles.

With the least amount of time, with the greatest benefit for yourself

Test of the School of Rational Reading methodology


We live in the information age. Possession of the necessary information is the key to the success of any business; This especially applies to a career. But the problem is not at all a lack of necessary information, but quite the opposite. A modern person is bombarded with a sea of ​​different information, both necessary and absolutely useless, and we receive a huge part of it by reading. We spend that precious time reading and analyzing the information received that we could act on. Therefore, a method that would save this time would put a person in a very advantageous position...

There is such a way. It is called rational reading - with the least amount of time, with the greatest benefit for yourself. At the School of Rational Reading, for example, in 2 months of classes they promise to increase your reading speed by 3-10 times! The average person reads at a speed of 400-600 characters per minute - which means this figure can be raised to 10 thousand! Fantastic! Although, many great people were distinguished by their ability to read very quickly. For example, Napoleon read at a speed of 12 thousand characters per minute, and Balzac - 24 thousand! Tolstoy, Lenin, Gorky read very quickly... But one could argue that the main thing is not just to read quickly, but to assimilate what you read well! Otherwise, you can glance at the text - quickly, of course, but you won’t remember anything... The School of Rational Reading understands this and claims that their method, along with the reading speed, also increases the perception coefficient, bringing it closer to 90-100%! That is, they teach the rules of logical comprehension of a text, mnemonics, the ability to highlight the main thing and discard the unnecessary.

TRUST BUT CHECK! Speed ​​reading

Overall, it would be great if these promises turned out to be true. Too many “miracle methods” have now appeared that guarantee mountains of gold in words, but are completely ineffective in practice. Therefore, as they say, trust - but verify, which is what we decided to do. It was decided to conduct our strict independent examination at the School of Rational Reading. Firstly, it is one of the two most famous schools working in this direction (along with the Andreev School), and secondly, the classes and methods seemed to us quite simple and did not require much time (classes once a week for three hours, only seven lessons).

Separate insert next to the previous paragraph

The School of Rational Reading was founded in 1981. The methods were developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Marat Aleksandrovich Ziganov, who is the director of the School. The founder of SHR has many titles: member of the European Coordination Council of the International Reading Association, founder of the Reading Association in Moscow, author of 4 textbooks, 12 books and 6 inventions, and so on... In 2000, M. A. Ziganov’s methods received international recognition (Cambridge medal).


As usual, the biggest skeptic volunteered to test the effectiveness of the technique on himself. Our hero's name is Vadim Reznikov, he is 27 years old. He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, is now engaged in business, and in his free time writes articles for various publications. The personality is very versatile! Speed ​​reading

Here are his words before the start of classes: “Of course, I would like to increase my reading speed, because there is always not enough time. At work, I need to keep track of a lot of information, and besides, I am no stranger to politics in that aspect that is related to the economy - I regularly read analytical magazines (Money, Russian Focus, Expert). What can I expect from classes at SRC? I think that most likely they will teach some techniques for memorizing information and structuring it. But to increase your reading speed at least five times? Hardly. The fact is that I already read quite quickly (which was later proven - author’s note) and I don’t even hope to read several times faster (and what happened - see below - author’s note).”

What else can you say about Vadim? Oh yes - Nordic character, not married...

Vadim’s assignment was to study diligently at the School of Rational Reading, writing down his impressions after each lesson. He had to record his results and complete homework in the prescribed volumes - in general, “strictly follow the methodology.” Below is his progress report.

Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading

Even before the start of classes, everyone was given a complete set of textbooks.

The lesson itself began with everyone, just like at school, sitting two people at a desk. Everyone wrote their name on a badge. For the next five minutes, they were asked to get to know their desk neighbor, which at first caused some difficulties. But then it was difficult to stop many!

Next, they conducted a reading speed test to find out who came to school with what “baggage.” It was necessary not only to read quickly, but also to answer 20 questions about the text to test perception. The final reading speed result consisted of the number of characters read multiplied by the comprehension rate (correct answers to questions out of the total number). The results of each listener were recorded on a separate sheet, and everyone tried to look at the results of others. Some people panicked, others were quietly proud of themselves. The lowest speed was 285 characters per minute, the highest was 970 (for me). My “desk neighbor” - a lady lawyer - was not far behind - the specifics of the profession oblige.

They explained to us how to sit correctly when reading, how to hold a book, and what the lighting should be like. It turns out that due to incorrect posture a person gets distracted and loses up to 40% in reading speed! A very bad habit is “pronouncing” the text; It helped a lot in understanding the basics of reading in first grade, but it makes it difficult for adults to read quickly - after all, thought is many times faster than words! The teacher said that the maximum reading speed with “talking to oneself” is 1400 characters per minute; and if you get rid of this habit, then 10,000 is far from the limit.

Afterwards we were taught the method of rhythmic fixations - to “see” not one word, but several, that is, not to look along the line, but to “snatch” phrases at once.

By the way, all the necessary conditions for correct reading (posture, lighting, and so on) had to be presented in the form of a special icon. And when reading, this icon had to be mentally placed on the page (in order to constantly remember how to read correctly). In the next classes we were promised even more of these icons... Soon they will no longer fit on the page!

At the end of the lesson, they gave me a booklet with homework, explaining that to complete it, you definitely need a stopwatch. Worksheets with homework will be given at every lesson, and every odd lesson there will be a reading speed test.

By the way, after the first lesson you can leave school with a refund if a person feels that it is “not his thing”. Well, everything is fair.


All homework was strictly checked - there was no opportunity to “freeload”!

The second lesson was devoted to attention and memory. It tested the distribution of attention and memory capacity. It turned out that you can fully concentrate on the text for no more than 20 minutes, after which you definitely need to relax!

We read two similar texts, for example, about bees and bumblebees, cacti and leaves, in which the paragraphs were “at odds”. And at the end it was necessary to tell in detail what belongs to what, that is, to answer who lives in the holes and how much honey the cacti bring.

We were also presented with various figures, which then had to be reproduced in all details. It turned out that a person can immediately remember 7 plus or minus 2 objects at the same time.


The test showed that my reading speed increased two and a half times! Incredible!

The lesson on memory continued. They gave us an example of how to memorize texts. About the camel. “The camel is the ship of the desert.” We present a camel with a mast stuck into it. “It can go without food for a long time, accumulating nutrients in its hump.” Introducing the Camel Travel Backpack. “A camel can accumulate water in the folds near its abdomen.” We imagine two flasks of water hanging from the belly of a poor camel. “Domesticated 4 thousand years ago.” We present a camel against the background of the pyramids. “Tolerates heat well.” We put a Panama hat on the sufferer...

During this and the next lesson, we worked on the logic of the test - we developed the ability to identify the main and secondary thoughts of a text, and connect them together into logical flowcharts. It is important to identify the author’s idea - the notorious “main idea” of the text, known from literature lessons at school. It’s a pity that in class we weren’t taught how to identify it so effectively...

Note added after finishing the course:

The rules that the teacher shared with us really help a lot when retelling - I can retell all the “training” texts in detail even after two months have passed since the lesson! They seemed to be “imprinted” in my memory!


The topic of the lesson is activating thinking. While reading, you need to compare the incoming information with what you already know on this topic, compare it with the previous material. Before reading, you need to tune in. For example, you have to read a text about toads. So, let’s remember what I know about them. Green, disgusting, they look like a future mother-in-law - no, we won’t talk about that... Back in the pioneer camp, I remember we played partisans with them. Even if I don’t know something about them, I have to roughly imagine and predict the content of the text. For example, about their habits, behavior patterns during the mating season, and so on.

Next comes a critical understanding of the text. That is, it is necessary to evaluate whether the given facts correspond to reality or whether they are vilely deceiving me? By the way, this rule is very valuable when reading newspapers and magazines; it also works great when watching TV. You also need to automatically agree or disagree with the author, that is, develop your own judgment about each text.


They taught us to expand the field of perception so that we could simultaneously see as many words as possible. We looked at pictures that were very difficult to see - only by “straining” our eyes in a special way. Valeggio has a whole similar album of paintings - you can see them only by focusing your gaze in a certain way. We conducted experiments with strange results, for example, after certain manipulations it seemed that a round hole appeared in the palm. In general, during this lesson we felt like novice magicians who are being taught how to correctly pull a rabbit out of a hat.

With these exercises, you can increase your reading speed by 2-3 times compared to what it was at the beginning of the lesson.


Reading strategies were studied. An important role was assigned to skimming - to “skim” the text with your eyes in order to understand what it says. We were given the task of reading 86 (!) pages of a detective story in less than 20 minutes and retelling the content. All participants did an excellent job, remembering not only all the characters, but also who, whom, for what and how, with all the horrific details (the number of corpses, for example).

We also searched for answers to questions that were asked in advance. The text had to be scanned very quickly, literally in half a minute, having analyzed in detail exactly those passages that contained the answer to the question.


Last thing. On it we practiced repeating skills and preparing for a control test. I started the test itself not without some excitement... My reading speed was 4047 characters per minute with a rate of assimilation of the reading material of 94.2% - in total, it increased by 4.2 times, and the rate of assimilation - by 14%. Impressive! My neighbor’s reading speed increased from 905 to 2213 characters per minute, and the absorption rate increased from 68% to 86%. In fact, others show an even greater increase in reading speed (relative, that is, by several times). My neighbor and I had a high reading speed even before the start of the course, so the relative growth was not so great.

Certificates of completion of the School were issued to applause. We were also given a reminder about what to do so as not to lose our skills.

Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading Speed ​​reading


Each person who completes the course is given a discount card with a cumulative discount. This means that there is a good way to save on education: first send your child to courses for schoolchildren, then a neighbor or friend, then an accountant, and then feel free to come yourself and study with a discount of up to 30%. And if you bring five employees with you, you can study for free - and they will also praise you for your initiative!
All classes last three hours. There is a break between them - it is very advisable to take something to snack with you, because after intense exercise you want to eat like hell!
You should come to your first lesson early to choose a seatmate. Experience shows that you will have to communicate very closely with him throughout the training. He will have to tell his homework, retell the texts and give grades (everything is mutual).
The fifth task is very important, so it is better to study it in advance.
You must definitely remember the first and last name of your teacher, because once you come to class, you can find complete strangers. The fact is that if for some reason you missed a lesson, you can always make up for it with another group.
You can exercise at home little by little, but regularly, at least 10-15 minutes a day.
At the School you can meet very interesting people, from students to the director of the plant. An informal atmosphere and relaxed communication are conducive... These connections can be useful in your career.
All texts taken as examples in the School are from different fields of knowledge. This is doubly good, because, firstly, it allows you to greatly expand your horizons and increase your overall erudition, and secondly, it does not give specialists in a certain field an advantage.
At the School they teach you to be very careful and critical when reading - for this purpose, errors are specially “introduced” into the texts, which you must be able to detect.
I confess that for a long time it seemed to me that the first text that tested our initial reading speed was deliberately easier than subsequent ones in order to artificially inflate the learning result. But after talking with a lady from another group, it turned out that the texts are given in any order, and she passed the last one we had in the first lesson. And it was he who seemed the most difficult to her! After this statement, all my doubts were dispelled!
I really liked the friendly atmosphere, the wonderful teacher and fellow students (after 1-2 lessons, only people who really wanted to work on themselves remained, 2 people with other attitudes “were eliminated”).
For me personally, the actual reading speed has increased not 4, but 10 times - after preliminary analysis I don’t read some articles at all, some I just skim through.

Have you already studied speed reading techniques, but have not achieved results? Looking for strong teachers in the field of teaching speed reading? The Ziganova School is a recognized authority in the field of teaching speed reading.

Ziganov M.A. Speed ​​reading. A unique course on developing rational reading skills. 214 p. Publisher: Eksmo. Series: Do it yourself. Maximum quality of material absorption with minimal time and effort. djvu format. The scan quality is not very good, but you can read it.

We must shape our minds by reading in depth,
not in width.


From the publisher

This book is a unique course on developing rational reading skills with maximum quality of learning the material and with minimal time and effort.

The book contains original developments by psychologists, linguists, physiologists, doctors, sociologists and teachers, which have been tested for 25 years at the School of Rational Reading and have shown high effectiveness.

After familiarizing yourself with theoretical issues and recommendations from experts, and completing simple and exciting practical exercises that develop attention, thinking, imagination, and memory, the reader will have the opportunity to easily, productively and quickly read books of any complexity. Ziganov - speed reading.

The reader should keep in mind

Each array of information requires a certain reading speed in accordance with the past experience of the recipient of the information.

Postulates of speed reading:

  • Read the main ideas carefully. Re-read important points in the text several times until they become completely clear.
  • If there is no application for knowledge- this means that everything you read will quickly disappear
  • Set Clear Goals before reading. Decide what you plan to do with the text. What method of reading a book will you use: read carefully, skim, find a fact, memorize...
  • Formulate questions for the author of the book. Write and discuss the information received with friends or on forums.
  • Perform at your peak. It is simply impossible to quickly read texts in which there is no interest.
  • Think about what you read. Read with a notebook.
  • Flexibly change your reading speed. Don't pay attention to the trash.
  • Feeling tired? - Take a break. Change types of work periodically.
  • Mentally connect the knowledge you read with those received earlier. Organize your knowledge into sections. I read it, thought about it, and decided what I could use in the future. I thought about it and decided for myself how to use it.

Expanding the angle of view


You can find speed reading methods in