The largest mining farm in the world. Largest Bitcoin Farm in Hong Kong

Nowadays, the big players in the world of crypto mining are no longer enthusiasts with powerful PCs and home farms. In 2019, we are already talking about the largest data centers. Quite understandably, many users are interested in how much the largest mining farm in the world and in Russia brings. The profitability of mining is affected quite a wide range of factors, one of which is, of course, the stock exchange value of the production facility.

Whether building on their own or purchasing, every fan of digital money invests in an industry that is currently valued at billions of USD. At the same time, real IT giants occupy key positions.

The world's largest mining farms

As a rule, data on the location of large data centers specializing in the extraction of the most popular and expensive virtual coins. This is primarily due to the high cost of the equipment in use. Theoretically, such complexes could be located anywhere. Moreover, the construction of such giant farms is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • Availability of modern and most powerful equipment, the operation of which will be profitable for at least 1-2 years.
  • Access to uninterrupted sources of electricity and favorable tariffs. It's about minimizing overhead costs and keeping the farm running smoothly.
  • Cold climate, reducing equipment cooling costs.
  • Availability of qualified specialists.

Almost all of these conditions have been created on the territory of the Celestial Empire. Based on this, large data centers specializing in mining are located there. We are talking about areas with cheap electricity and clean air.

Currently in the top the largest and most powerful mining farms include:

  • "Bitmain Ordos" (Mongolia).
  • Giga Watt and Bcause LLC (Washington and Virginia, USA).
  • Hut 8 Mining Corp (Canada).
  • Bitfury Mines (Georgia).
  • "Genesis Mining Enigma" (Iceland).

Naturally, this list is constantly expanding, and the leaders of the rating have new competitors. An example is Armenia, which claims to be the largest mining farm in the world. This project was initiated by the Multi Group concern in tandem with the Omnia Tech company. It is worth noting that the investment amounted to 50 million US dollars.

The farm is focused on the production of military-technical equipment and ETN. The premises house the equipment itself, as well as a business center. According to the authors of the project, it will claim the status of one of the largest terminals in the world. Moreover, in the future, in accordance with the stated plans, the number of devices will be increased to 120 thousand units.

The largest mining farm in Russia

Taking into account the main factors, the largest mining farms in the world are located in China, Mongolia and the USA. However, the popularization of the cryptocurrency industry, as well as strong growth, even taking into account the record drop in prices of top coins, stimulates the development of the industry. And in this case, Russia is no exception.

In accordance with current statistics and according to data published in a number of media outlets, the largest mining farm in the Russian Federation is Bitbaza. This data center operates in the Divny industrial park (Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory). According to available data, it is planned to invest up to 3 billion rubles in the development of the project and increase the power to 120 MW.

Naturally, this is not the only large complex. However, such companies are trying don't attract attention to yourself. It is worth noting that in Russia the situation with the payback of equipment and the profitability of the entire process is much worse than in China and a number of other countries. Regions with cheap electricity and cold climates may become the most attractive.

Video: OMNIA - mining farm in Armenia with 150,000 ASICs

06.10.2017, 04:09 2.4k Views

With the advent of mining farms in the world, many successful startups have appeared. Now this is one of the promising businesses. This method has gained immense popularity, and today many people know how to earn bitcoins correctly. They receive information about the course and know the secrets. For them, cryptocurrency constantly brings profit.

It is very interesting to look at people who have achieved great success in this type of business. Let's see how many mining farms there are and how successful they are.

Naturally, to improve your business you need to be competitive. That is why the market is beginning to push people towards new ideas and increased opportunities. Exactly the same rules are active in mining. The work of giants in this field can greatly amaze and excite. They do a huge amount of work, and their equipment is impressively powerful.

Secret mining farm located in Washington.

Dave Carlson was able to organize the largest production, which produces a huge amount of bitcoins. The man was a successful entrepreneur for more than ten years and was well versed in software. When financial problems overtook him, he learned about mining and tried to get into this type of business. His first farm was established in the basement of a house. It only took him a year to turn his basement farm into a business that could bring in millions. The company was named MegaBigpower. If previously the company could be located in a small basement, now it has several huge warehouses. Their location is hidden and unknown.

The question arises as to how they found out about the existence of the farm if nothing is known about its location. As it turned out, Carlson independently invited reporters to his property and showed the full power of his farm. He truly believes that he has the largest and most impressive farm in the entire United States. Perhaps this is true. Because its processors are capable of producing petahash power. In other words, this is a quadramillion processes performed in one second of time. This kind of power is fantastic. In one month, the owner of a Washington farm is able to mine 12,500 bitcoins. And this, in turn, is an income in the millions.

It is very interesting what costs were required to create such a farm, but Carlson refused to answer this question.

Mining farm - Genesis Mining.

Genesis Mining was previously headquartered in China and Bosnia. But now its center has moved to Iceland. This is the country with the cheapest electricity and excellent internet. And these are all the elements that are necessary to earn bitcoins. Moreover, with such opportunities you can save money.

The heart of the company is called cloud mining. In other words, you can earn bitcoins without expensive equipment. More recently, the company was able to install video surveillance that operates in online transmission mode. Now you can watch the development of the farm from anywhere in the world.

Mining farm - Allied Control.

First of all, this company was created for investors from China. This was the quietest mining farm. Now the company’s cryptocurrency is mined thanks to completely new BitFury chips. The company differs from other farms with its unique cooling system, which takes place in two stages through immersion in liquid. This innovation in mining allowed the company to become the largest and most successful farm within Hong Kong.

Mining farm - BitFury.

BitFury has been operating two centers for several years now. All of them are located in Tbilisi. First of all, the country attracted investors due to its favorable climate and economical prices for electricity consumption.

Mining farm - Linthal.

Rudolf opened the now popular Alpereum company in 2016. Now it is the largest farm within Switzerland. The guy started mining cryptocurrency back in the 90s, but then no one took it seriously, but now Rudolf has his own large-scale farm that produces huge amounts of cryptocurrency.

With the rise in the value of cryptocurrencies, big money came into this business, which contributed to the emergence of industrial-scale mining centers. Huge mining farms are built in places with cheap electricity, clean and cold air.

Let's take a closer look at how this business works and which country mines the most bitcoins.

To build highly profitable industrial mining farms, a number of conditions must be met:

  • availability of modern equipment that will be profitable for at least 1-2 years. During this period, it is necessary to cover the costs of its purchase, arrangement of the data center and other operating costs and receive a calculated percentage of profit;
  • access to cheap, uninterrupted electricity to reduce overhead costs and ensure 24-hour operation of equipment;
  • absence of strong pollutants in the ambient air to reduce the cost of filtering it;
  • cold climate to reduce cooling costs;
  • cheap and qualified labor/engineers to maintain smooth operation and eliminate breakdowns that occur.

All these conditions exist in China, where large production facilities are concentrated, where the latest ASICs are produced, there are areas with cheap electricity and clean air, and there is also an oversupply of labor. In this regard, the world's largest mining centers are located there, in the province Liaoning(for example, a mining company HaoBTC).

The concentration of computing power in the hands of Chinese entrepreneurs has reached such a high level that official statements are being made in China to ban the mining industry. This is being done in order to move this business outside of China and avoid accusations of concentration of power and control of the most profitable cryptocurrencies using a 51% attack.

During the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies in 2017, huge mining farms were built in other countries with cheap electricity, for example, in the USA, Iceland ( Genesis Mining), Russia, Switzerland (farm in the village of Linthal) and others.

As a rule, the creation of a large mining farm is not advertised, but its presence can be established by indirect signs associated with the emergence of a new powerful pool or a sharp increase in the power of existing pools.

The principle of operation of giant Bitcoin farms is very simple: a control center is created for a network of “mines”, each of which contains hundreds of computing devices, farms on video cards or ASICs. Often such farms provide cloud mining services and rent out their power, as well as provide the operation of large mining pools and receive a small percentage of income from the work of other, small mining farms.

The largest mining farm in Russia

According to information available in the media, the largest mining farm in Russia is Bitbaza, located in the city Divnogorsk Krasnoyarsk region, in an industrial park Marvelous. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that there are other large mining farms in the Russian Federation, but for a number of reasons related to the reluctance to attract the attention of criminals and regulators, they hide their existence.

Full development of a mining company BitBaza envisages an investment of about 3 billion rubles, installation of equipment with consumption 10 mW with further increase to 120 mW. Such a farm should currently generate an income of more than a thousand bitcoins per month.

Costs and profits of giant farms

Setting up a mining farm is quite expensive. The most expensive components are those that perform calculations - ASICs or powerful video cards. The cost of one modern ASIC or rig with six powerful video cards is several thousand dollars.

In 2018, many high-performance ASICs appeared, due to which previously profitable coins that were mined on video cards ceased to bring profit. In this regard, updating equipment on large mining farms is currently carried out through the disposal of failed or unprofitable ASICs and the sale of components from video card farms on the secondary market or scrapping.

The lion's share of expenses when operating large mining farms is electricity costs. Given the serious scale of this business, daily electricity consumption amounts to tens of megawatts, and monthly payments reach tens of thousands of dollars.

Released mid 2016 Antminer S9, which consumes about 1.3 kW, currently produces a net profit of two dollars a day, with the cost of electricity being about 6 cents per kilowatt. A farm of 3,000 such devices (a typical mine of large mining companies in China) has a computing power of 34,500 terahash and consumes more than 3.9 mW per day. She earns 550 Bitcoins per month and only needs to pay electricity costs of about $7,500 per month. If you do not take into account the costs of paying for the cost of equipment, labor, security, taxes, maintaining utilities, cooling systems, ventilation, fire extinguishing systems and rent, then such a farm generates an income of 160-180 thousand dollars per month, despite the fact that this ASIC is already obsolete.

  • Huge mining enterprises have several such mines, where the process of updating equipment is constantly underway. One of these farms exists in Russia; its location is not advertised, but information about its work has repeatedly appeared in Russian and foreign media.

Relevance of mining business in the Russian Federation

In Russia, the profitability of a mining business is not as great as in China due to the increase in the price of equipment associated with transport and customs costs. But thanks to the presence of areas where the temperature is low all year round and the availability of cheap electricity, the mining business in the Russian Federation is still profitable, especially when used, which provide serious income (tens of dollars per day) in the first months of its appearance .

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The development of Bitcoin was a real breakthrough in the economy, thanks to the rapid growth of the rate of the electronic unit. A decentralized currency has no governing body and is not regulated by the government, which makes it unstable according to international financial experts. However, the current state of affairs suggests the opposite: the increase in the exchange rate is breaking all established records, and every day the user is becoming more and more interested in ways to obtain BTC. This situation contributed to the development of the largest mining farm in the world, which we will consider in this material.

The principle of Bitcoin mining is based on complex computational processes involving unique software and appropriate hardware. Each user at home can organize a “mining farm” that will consistently produce cryptocurrency. Powerful technical characteristics and cheap electricity are the main requirements for a successful project, which can become an alternative way to make money. It is impossible to obtain excess profits from several computing devices - the developer has foreseen all possible outcomes and imposed appropriate restrictions on the operation of the system.

The largest mining farms of ordinary users do not fit into entire garages and apartments. But imagine what will happen if a full-fledged company becomes interested in this issue and implements this issue on an industrial scale?

The largest Bitcoin farm

Chinese companies have always shown a special interest in technical and software innovations and have not left BTC without attention. Cheap labor, the ability to organize the production of cheap electricity, low rent and affordable technical components were used by engineers in Sichuan province to create a real “workshop” for mining bitcoins.

A large project uses a unique ventilation system and complies with established safety standards, which minimizes the number of breakdowns and the cost of restoring components. Cryptocurrency mining is carried out around the clock, and its process is continuously monitored by 6 qualified engineers performing various duties. The continuous process involves the simultaneous work and residence of employees in specially designated rooms.

Mining technology has not changed since the emergence of Bitcoin, which makes the developed system relevant and productive.

How much does it bring?

It is difficult to determine the average income of the largest mining farm in the world. Profit depends both on external factors and on the Bitcoin exchange rate on the market. At one time, the level of net income was in the region of $3 million monthly, which is an outstanding indicator. Is it worth organizing such projects yourself? If you analyze the cost of rent, maintenance, electricity and other factors in advance and still be able to make a profit, the costs may be justified.

The most famous mining farms for bitcoin production all over the world. Today we will learn about the largest and most famous farms, which amaze with their scope.

This is more of an informational article, but it is also useful for understanding the whole meaning and scale of making money on Bitcoins.

Bitcoin mining- this is the very first cryptocurrency that began to be mined, more about this in the article: . But today mining consists of entire factories and they produce not only the well-known bitcoins, but also many other currencies. Previously, it was possible to mine coins on a simple home computer, but gradually the complexity is increasing, there are more and more people wanting to do it, and the equipment is becoming more and more expensive.

If this is the first time you have heard about this, then read the article: well, we move on.

What is a mining farm and how does it work?

Farms perform calculations using computer power (most often using video cards), thus producing new coins. How this happens is described in the article. A total of 3600 BTC is allocated for mining per day. Each user who participates in mining receives an equal share of its power. This is the example of Bitcoin; other cryptocurrencies are mined using similar parameters. They differ only in their characteristics (extraction algorithm) and the amount of reward.

It is for this reason that huge cryptocurrency mining farms are being built. Many who stood at the origins have already become millionaires, as the Bitcoin rate has risen to an incredible $7,500, and in some countries reached $9,000.

Up to this day It’s also profitable to assemble small mining farms at home and they pay for themselves. Even after the release of ASICs for calculating SHA-256, which is designed specifically for mining. It's kind of turnkey mining farm, which today are issued with an emphasis on a specific currency.

Largest Bitcoin Farm in Hong Kong

Most of the largest farms are concentrated in China (due to cheap electricity) and Iceland (due to the cool climate), but let's start with a farm in Hong Kong. Located eight miles from the city's financial center, in the Kwai Chung district. The farm itself is small in terms of area, but produces a huge amount of power due to modern equipment.

The farm is built in the form of racks on which ASIC chips are located, and it is they that generate the power that mines bitcoins. These chips are designed specifically for mining digital currency, they work extremely quietly, but apart from the task at hand (mining), they can’t do anything else.

Mining farm in Hong Kong called ASICMINER. Many investors have invested in it, including from China.

Hong Kong was not chosen by chance; firstly, it is close to the manufacturer (China), and secondly, there are no such problems that began in China in relation to mining. Chinese energy campaigns want to increase the cost of electricity, and as you know, most of the largest mining farms in China were built using cheap electricity.

This large farm uses the most innovative technologies. The bubbling liquid is refrigerant produced by 3M, which cools running ASIC chips.

Thanks to liquid cooling, this farm began to generate more income compared to traditional farm building solutions. Most often, to reduce heat, radiators and powerful fans are used, which also consume a lot of electricity.

But radiators are also present in this largest farm in Hong Kong. They are installed on the roof of the building and provide additional heat transfer.

Founder of a mining farm in Hong Kong Chinese company Allied Control, Kar-Wing Lau, its vice president. In one interview, he stated that the cost of electricity for such a farm exceeds fifty thousand dollars.

The largest mining farm in China HaoBTC

China is still the leader among countries where mining on an industrial scale is profitable. According to statistics, more than half of all pools are concentrated in China. Of course, everything can change if there is no agreement on electricity, but for now China is in first place. After all, what remains here is cheap labor and their unpretentiousness, they are ready to work in almost any conditions and, of course, the availability of equipment, since China is the main supplier.

One of the largest Bitcoin mining farms is the Chinese HaoBTC campaign.. The American press NYTimes published an interview with the founders of the campaign and, of course, with photographs of the farm itself.

Everything here does not look as modern as on the Hong Kong farm, but nevertheless, the farm produces a hashrate of 4.7 PH. What does the farm look like from the inside? You can watch this video from one of the secret bitcoin farms in China:

The largest mining farm in Russia

There are quite a few large cryptocurrency mining farms; you can write about each of them individually on a whole page or more. But they are all based on the same principle and therefore we have touched upon only a few. But they couldn’t bypass the largest mining farm in Russia, because you can understand that this is real for our lives. Watch a video about the largest farm in Russia. How it was created, how much energy it consumes and how many bitcoins it brings in per month

There are about 3 thousand Antmainer S9 machines installed on the farm; their power reaches 38 PH/S. There are only 4 specialists to maintain the farm. At the beginning of 2017, the farm’s income was 600 bitcoin coins per month, now perhaps a little less coins are mined, but the cost of bitcoin has more than doubled.

The farm is equipped with all modern technologies: cooling, short circuit protection, security and fire alarms.