How to make money in the financial sector. Financial services. Is the business of providing financial intermediation services relevant?

Business in finance can be called the most profitable, but at the same time the most risky. The reason for this is that you are investing money, but you risk not getting it back. However, even in this situation there are methods of insurance and guarantees of return of capital. The main advantage of this type of business is that you do not need to have any special skills or specialties. The principle is to invest money and earn interest.

You can organize this business Houses . Considering the specifics of the activity, it is more suitable, although women can also cope. What ways of investing money are there? The most profitable options are related to microcredit, for example, a pawnshop, an insurance company. But if financial reserves are limited, then trading or trading in financial markets is ideal. Firstly, it can be done in the Internet , secondly, it is even suitable, because the initial investment can be limited to a few tens of dollars, and the profit can be up to 100%.

If you have no start-up capital at all, but still dream of devoting yourself to business in the world of finance, then you just need to gain experience in this area, especially since there is plenty of information on the Internet.

You will find more business ideas in this section.

Back in my school years, when my friend and I were organizing and holding school discos, this idea came to me. A friend of mine had a set of audio equipment (I talked about this in the article) and when it was idle, it could be rented out. But then, during the downtime, I was offered to voice one of the city holidays, but I didn’t have time to work. My friend said that he would work, but for the fact that I found him an order, he would give me some money. And I thought, why not find orders for someone who provides various services and take a small reward for it. And since then I began to pay attention to those services where there was a decent markup and offer orders.

The essence of the idea

From the introduction it is clear that the essence is to provide clients to a business that provides any services. Why services? Because there is no cost, and if there is, the client pays the main fee in any case for the service itself, which consists only of time or physical costs. Thus, the client gets what he wanted, I receive a reward, and the client’s business. Everyone is happy! At the same time, the business does not spend money on attracting clients; it pays only for the already received client.

Where to look for clients?

No need to look for them! These clients are your friends. I like this type of income because we always hear the phrase “Do you have friends who can...? etc.". It is so? They ask you about this too, and do you ask your friends this too?) I noticed this a long time ago and realized that you can make good money from this. This is an eternal income, because people will never learn to do absolutely EVERYTHING. It is not possible to learn everything and it is impossible to have acquaintances in absolutely all areas. That's all the juice ;)

What services to offer

I have quite a lot of proposals. I started, as I already said, with renting sound equipment and making orders during the holidays. But there's more to come. Then he invited people to parties at clubs and received money from every ticket sold. Soon, my uncle’s friends began to deal with cabinet furniture and moving, so I began offering orders to them as well. When I needed to avoid joining the army, a company of lawyers helped me in this area and now I bring clients to them. My friend works as an accountant in one of the driving schools, so I agreed with him. I also sell advertising in public pages where I am not an administrator. A friend of mine is very good at repairing phones, computers and other electronics, and also installs alarms, sound in cars and switches the car to gas, so I agreed with him. There are still little things, but these are little things. There are also large ones, like cargo transportation in Russia, but these are rare orders, but they pay well.


I talk a lot and don’t give enough specifics. I will shorten some names and speak more simply. From the army I receive 2000 rubles. per person, on average 1-3 acquaintances contact me per month, and sometimes 5-6. For electronics repairs, on average, 100 rubles from a phone and 200 from a laptop. From alarms and sound for cars, 500 rubles each. From a driving school, 1000 rubles. On average, from furniture, from a small wardrobe, 1000. It doesn’t seem like much, but when my main income was in trouble, I stayed afloat. It came out to 7,000 rubles per month. and 27,000 rubles each.. And one more moment! My web studio for developing budget websites has a counter-offer in the form of an affiliate program. For each person who comes from you and orders a website, you receive 500, 1000 or more rubles.


As you can already see, there is nothing complicated. There is no need to look for clients. You live in peace, a friend asked for help, helped, called, received money. You will probably think that this is nonsense, that it is unrealistic or that it will take a long time. Try it! If it weren’t for this partnership, I call it, income, then in the absence of fish I would have become a fish myself. For this idea I would like to say thank you.

Try it! Search! Earn money! Thanks for your attention and good luck to everyone! And also be sure to read the article.
There will be questions and comments below the text at your service;)

Is it possible to open a business in finance with minimal investment? Or do you need more investment? Many entrepreneurs associate the financial business with banks or auditing companies, large investments and difficulties in promoting in the market. But even in finance, you can get by with a small investment, depending on what kind of business you decide to start.

You can open a bookmaker's office, which will require some investment and time. Or you can organize a pawnshop with minimal expenses. the population often uses purchasing services. The so-called crowdfunding of litigation can become quite profitable. Financial companies invest in lawsuits to receive a share of the profits if the case is successful.

Trading is a very profitable activity - trading in financial markets. Take your place among the participants in the currency or stock exchange and you will have stable, high profits for years to come.

It is possible that there are not as many business ideas as in the field of catering or tourism. But many of them can bring really high income. You can understand the intricacies of running different types of this business and choose an idea you like here.

How to make money out of thin air? Probably the easiest way to obtain funds, as they say, out of thin air, is to provide intermediary services. The fact is that each of us buys, sells, or uses some kind of services almost every day. For intermediary services, you do not need any special circumstances or even diplomas (at least not always) - you only need a certain life ingenuity, the ability to analyze and plan future profits and focus on the intended goal. Mediation can be seen as a bridge between the seller and the consumer, and in some cases it is simply a wonderful opportunity to quickly earn a good amount of money. Try it and you will find out for yourself how easy it really is to make money.

The purchase of goods for the purpose of their further sale can be carried out via the Internet - for this you should spend time searching for not very popular online stores with inexpensive prices for some type of goods. And then try, through the same Internet - using advertising on special sites, social networks, or even advertising on your own website, to try to sell this product at a higher price. Links to such online stores, where everything is sold cheaper, are shared extremely rarely, and this is not surprising - an experienced fisherman will also not give away his fishing spot.

The main thing in this case is not to confuse anything with prices and find out all the nuances with the delivery of goods. If delivery is carried out using a courier service, get ready to receive your money cash on delivery. Today no one will pay for a product before familiarizing itself with it - times are no longer the same...

Mediation as a great way to make money

Once upon a time, Dostoevsky was sincerely surprised by the complaints of his literary contemporaries that there simply weren’t enough themes for the plot, there was nothing to write about. He said that you just have to look around and a talented creative eye will see many stories surrounding us - the most exciting and interesting. It’s the same with mediation. You just have to think carefully about where you can use your talents and make money. It’s not for nothing that some millionaires, who earned their millions on their own and practically out of thin air, quite seriously claim that money is a fiction.

If you know a store that almost no one you know knows about, and which sells a cheaper product or a product that none of your friends can find elsewhere, take advantage of this knowledge. Do not be afraid that you will suddenly be considered a mercantile person - in the modern world, information is also a product for which you need to pay money.

Personal conversation with the business owner

If you have the opportunity to meet with the manager or manager of this store and talk to him about providing you with a certain discount in the event that you bring several new interesting clients, be sure to do so. There is no need to be afraid that they will look at you differently or think something wrong about you - today business people with business acumen are valued most of all. And even if nothing works out, then you don’t lose anything special.

There is an option, of course, to independently purchase the goods and directly sell them to friends, but such a business will be profitable only in cases where the profit received covers the costs of transporting the goods and you are absolutely sure that the goods will be purchased. This is already a business with a corresponding investment in the form of purchasing a product for the purpose of its further sale.

You can also offer your own services if you feel that you are active enough to sell a particular product. You can start with your own acquaintances - for example, one of them wants to sell a mobile phone, but does not know at all how to do it. And you, in turn, have certain plans to sell this phone. All that remains for you is to offer your intermediary services to your friend for a certain percentage of the sale. It's like you're acting as a dealer, and there's no shame in that either.

Assistance in the sale of real estate, household items, and other goods

In addition, you can be an intermediary in the acquisition of real estate, that is, you can become a kind of real estate agent and there is no need to work in an agency. In this case, the most difficult thing is finding an object and finding a client.

A credit broker provides assistance in obtaining a loan from a bank to individuals and legal entities. For this he receives a reward in the form of a percentage of the transaction. To start doing such a business in Russia legally, you need to register a company or individual entrepreneur, study the legislative framework, the situation on the financial market, decide on a niche, and attract clients. You can also take advantage of the experience of existing companies and open a franchise business.

A credit broker is a participant in the financial market - an intermediary between the bank and the borrower. In simple words, a credit broker provides assistance in obtaining loans to individuals and legal entities.

But this should not be confused with “black brokers”, when an intermediary negotiates with an acquaintance who works in a bank, and a loan is issued in circumvention of established regulations, or with fraudulent schemes, when the client is charged money for a service, but in the end he does not receive a loan. This material talks about legal business.

Main formats of credit brokerage:

  • mediation in the process of obtaining a consumer loan for individuals;
  • mediation in obtaining loans and financing for businesses by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • intermediation in the field of mortgages (mortgage broker).

Why and who needs such a service?

To make it clear, an example with a consumer loan.

Initial data: Vasily urgently needs to take out a consumer loan in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Option number 1. There are 12 different banks in the city. He begins calling banks and writing down interest rates and terms to choose the best option.

Vasily finds out that the interest rate depends on many parameters: credit history, place of work, loan term, availability of insurance, etc. He is asked to visit the bank’s office and apply for a loan. Vasily goes to bank offices to submit applications and choose the most advantageous offer. He spends the whole day on this.

As a result, he submits applications to three banks: one refuses him, another asks for additional documents, and the third approves the amount of 200 thousand rubles. But this amount does not suit him. Time and nerves were wasted, money was not taken.

Option number 2: Vasily contacts a credit broker. Here they evaluate his solvency, check his credit history, provide advice, and help him choose a bank and a profitable lending program. If there are errors in the credit history (for example, the balance of an existing loan or non-existent overdue payments is incorrectly reflected), the credit broker provides a service to correct them.

They help collect and fill out documents, negotiate with bank employees. All Vasily can do is come to the bank, sign the agreement and withdraw the required amount.

Result: Vasily receives the required amount under optimal conditions, saving his time and nerves. For this, he pays a certain percentage to the credit broker - usually from 2% to 10% of the amount of the loan received.

The client pays the credit broker for:

  • legal support of lending transactions;
  • solvency check;
  • assistance in paperwork, consulting on banking services;
  • providing a comparative analysis of lending conditions in various banks;
  • assistance with choosing the best option and with registration;
  • saving money and time.

Important! Clients will go to a credit broker if the benefit from the loan received exceeds the amount of remuneration for the services of the intermediary.

Is the business of providing financial intermediation services relevant?

According to the Fitch rating agency, about 40 million people in Russia (which is 26% of all residents of the country, or every fourth) have loans from banks. At the same time, the number of banks in Russia has been rapidly declining over the past few years. For example, in 2010 there were 1,058 banks operating in the Russian Federation, and at the beginning of 2017 - 623.

Despite this situation in the banking sector, and to some extent even thanks to it, the services of credit brokers are becoming increasingly in demand. This is due to the fact that many microfinance organizations have appeared on the market offering “easy money” at exorbitant interest rates. To take out a loan from such companies, you only need to present your passport. Money will be given at an interest rate of 1% per day and higher (and this is from 365% per annum).

However, the financial literacy of the population and the desire to save their own money are growing. People are looking for options to save money and time. For a month (data as of September 2017), the Yandex search engine records more than 69 thousand requests for the phrase “help in obtaining a loan” and more than 34 thousand for the phrase “credit broker”.

As for small businesses, in order to obtain a loan from a bank at an acceptable loan rate, you have to collect a considerable package of documents: charter, certificates of registration and amendments, management and official reporting data, documents for real estate and vehicles, and others. It’s good if the company has a competent accountant who can quickly cope with the task. If this is not the case, then collecting documents turns into a “walk through agony.” Contacting a credit broker greatly simplifies the process and saves time.

How to open a business legally

There is no special separate law regulating the work of credit brokers in Russia. However, there is a very useful document - Professional Standard “Credit Brokerage Specialist” No. 449, it was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 175n dated March 19, 2015.

It describes in detail what a credit broker should know and be able to do, conditions and requirements, a list of services and labor actions.

Also, entrepreneurs who want to open such a business must adhere to and not violate the norms established by relevant and related laws. These include:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code;
  • Federal Law “On Credit Histories”;
  • Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”;
  • Federal Law “On Personal Data”;
  • Tax code;
  • Law “On Advertising”;
  • and a number of other, including local, regulations.

Legal subtleties: the provision of credit brokerage services is not subject to licensing. You can work in this area both as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. Experts advise choosing the simplified tax system of 6% as the optimal taxation system.

Scheme of work and step-by-step plan for starting a business

Before opening a business providing credit brokerage services, you need to study the situation on the financial services market in the region where you plan to open a business.

  1. Visit bank branches, get acquainted with their loan offers, requirements for borrowers, possible loan amounts. Conduct negotiations regarding financial intermediation. Some banks officially work with credit brokers by concluding agency agreements with them. In such cases, in addition to remuneration for his services from clients, the intermediary also receives an agency fee from the bank. However, this is not the end in itself of the work of a credit broker. The goal of a credit broker is to select a banking product with optimal conditions: term, rate, amount, so that the client does not overpay extra money and saves his time.
  2. Visit the companies of existing credit intermediaries and see how the business works from the inside. Decide on a niche (mortgage, consumer loans or business loans). This is necessary to understand the portrait of the target client and the range of services provided.
  3. Study the legislative framework, features and conditions of working with credit history checking services, such as NBKI (National Bureau of Credit History), Equifax. The presence of debts under writs of execution is checked on the website of the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service).
  4. Register a company or individual business, come up with a name, conduct an advertising campaign, place advertisements for clients.
  5. Rent an office, equip it with office equipment and furniture, connect the Internet and telephone, hire employees.

As for the fifth step, you can start without an office, just have a mobile phone and access to the Internet at hand. You can also start working remotely: create a website or landing page on the Internet through which you can offer your services.

The channels for attracting clients are standard: contextual advertising, social networks, advertisements on paid and free online platforms (Avito, My Advertising, From Hand to Hand) and others.

Experts also recommend notifying all your friends and acquaintances about a business related to assistance in obtaining loans. After all, the more people know about the opportunity to get a loan faster and cheaper by contacting a credit broker, the greater the flow of clients will be. Of course, you also need to prove yourself: provide quality services.

Overview of credit broker franchises

You can simplify the process of creating and starting a company providing credit brokerage services if you open such a business as a franchise. Let's move on to a review of two franchises that are represented on the franchising market in Russia.

The company positions itself as a center for raising financing for people and businesses. Partners are offered three tariff plans to choose from: “Start”, “Standard” and “Exclusive”. You can find out the cost of a franchise on the company’s website:

“Banking Advisor” offers not just assistance in opening a credit broker company, but a ready-made business model, which includes:

  • site development;
  • office design project;
  • CRM system with a credit history checking module;
  • online training;
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • templates for all types of contracts;
  • plus a number of additional options (depending on the package).

Watch the video about the Bank Advisor franchise

Franchise "Financial Partners"

The Financial Partners company acts as an intermediary in the provision of services for obtaining consumer loans, mortgages, business loans, car loans, and leasing. Website link:

Franchise packages are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Offers for partners of the Financial Partners company

Composition and cost of the package

Package "Light"

Package "Standard"

“All at once” package

Who is it suitable for?

For cities with a population of less than 300 thousand people or for already operating companies

For cities with a population of 300 thousand or more.

For cities with a population of more than 300 thousand people

Time to launch

What's included

Office launch;

Branded CRM system;

Launching client flow;

Online course for employees;

Contracts for work;

Business cards and corporate identity;

Marketing kit;

Online consultations

The entire Light package plus:

Opening and arrangement of an office;


Course of Study;

50 customer applications for loans and mortgages;

At least five channels of work with banks;

At least five certificates from partner banks

The entire Standard package plus:

At least ten channels for working with banks;

At least ten certificates from partner banks;

Recruitment of employees;

100 customer applications for loans and mortgages;

Departure of a specialist to launch the office and


Credit history correction services;

For 5000 rubles. check balance replenished

Franchise cost

390,000 rubles

590,000 rubles

890,000 rubles