How to make money on the browser game my lands. Mylands Encyclopedia: BlackPearl. Earning money from farming ruins

You can find out how to make money in My Lands if you carefully read the information that we have selected and presented in this section. Yes, yes, you read that right, in this game you can earn real money. The game has an unusual resource called black Pearl. By mining and accumulating it, you can remove it from the game and receive real currency. But, for this you must have a subscription to the game. Where can you find these black pearls? You can earn it at a salt lake, you can rob ruins, or you can buy a lot at an auction.

So, you can get these pearls in salt lake without risking your life. But in ruins This valuable resource is guarded by monsters, a fight with which poses a real threat. Defeating these monsters is not easy, but it is possible. You can also take part in the auction. It's quite simple, the main thing is to make sure that your offer is the most profitable. We hope that now we could tell you a little about the game My Lands how to earn black pearls.

Withdrawing money to My Lands

In the My Lands game, money can be either virtual or quite real. Like this? - you ask. We will answer that My Lands is the only game that has a money withdrawal function.

Withdrawing money will become available to you only after you pay for a subscription to the game. Each new player receives a promotional period during which you need to decide how you want to play: with the ability to withdraw money or not. The subscription can be paid monthly, or paid for for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months.

In Game My Lands withdrawal of money takes place in two stages. First you need to convert black pearls into electronic money. You will then need to withdraw this money to your e-wallet. To make it more clear to you how this happens, we suggest you look at the screenshots below.

Money can be obtained by earning black pearls. These black pearls can be found in salt lakes, ruins, and at auction. You can choose how you want to get your black pearls.

My Land, this game has been gaining more and more popularity lately. This popularity is also due to a large-scale advertising campaign. This advertisement is mainly aimed at promoting very convenient and. You play, develop, enjoy the game, and also earn money.

In this article I want to consider this type of income, and also figure out whether it is possible to earn anything here. Let's look from the point of view, so to speak, of the employer.

To do this, we will answer the following questions:

The goal of creating jobs (games)
What makes up the employer’s profit and therefore the employee’s salary.
Motivation to .
A real example of experience making money on this game. My

1. The purpose of creating jobs (games)

This game project has only one single goal: generating income. The organizers of the game created it, invested money in advertising and it is natural that they want to make a profit from their investment.

2. What does the employer’s profit consist of?

This does not produce any goods or services for which the consumer would pay money and thus make a profit. The only service that an employer produces is providing its employees with the opportunity to spend a piece of their life with interest.

In addition, it itself is not free. For this opportunity, you need to pay in advance, so to speak, buy a subscription for a month, half a year, a year, which will allow you in the future, if you are lucky, to cash out the game currency (black pearls) into real currency (dollars).

When you enter the game, you are given a trial period to decide how you plan to play, on a paid basis or just for the fun of the game itself. In addition, after purchasing a paid account, in order to successfully and quickly develop your character, you need to make more investments in the game. Thanks to these investments, you will have access to opportunities that will make the game much easier for you, making it more convenient and safe.

Conclusion: The employer’s profit, as well as the employee’s (player’s) salary, consists of the investments of the employees (players) themselves.

3. Motivation for paying wages in the game My Land

What kind of employer wants to pay anyone anything? But if we talk about an ordinary business or an enterprise where labor relations are secured by an employment contract and are also protected by the state, the employer simply has no choice, he is obliged to share part of the profit, otherwise no one will work for him and there will be unnecessary problems with the law.

In this case, what concerns My Lands games No one guarantees payments to you at all, you only have hope for honesty and faith in advertising. Neither the law nor the state will help you get your investment back in case of fraud.

4. My review of the game My Land

And now, as I promised, I will share not conjectures and assumptions, but the real experience of playing “My Lands” in order to make money.

One day my brother comes and says that he found one that allows you to withdraw money. They say I read the reviews, there are people who already withdraw money regularly. That he did his research and considered everything to be real. And he also invited me to participate.

I won’t say that I turned out to be smarter and therefore refused, I refused because I already had my own experience of playing online games, when you spend a decent chunk of your life on nothing at all. Therefore, I simply did not want to get involved in a dubious enterprise. In general, the game has begun.

Just to be sure, my brother purchased a paid account for half a year and started playing with enthusiasm. I will also say that my brother is generally an expert in this type of strategy; he quickly understood the principles of the game and chose the most optimal path of development. In just 2 months, he achieved results that other players achieve in half a year, and after another 2 months of playing, he surpassed those who had been playing for a year in terms of development and power of troops.

Such results were achieved thanks to the acquisition of additional opportunities for money, a large amount of time devoted to the game and the strategic talents of his brother. It even got to the point that, at the expense of his troops, he pumped up the level of players from his clan, he built troops that were built very quickly, an ally came and destroyed them, thus earning points, and this was repeated several times.

At first everything went great, he invested money in the game, pumping up capabilities and science at an accelerated pace, as well as protecting his cities. And when he developed, he no longer needed to invest money, he extracted the amount of black pearls necessary for development from the mines.

In principle, it would have been possible to slowly start withdrawing money, but this would have affected the pace of development, so he decided to first develop to the level of a monster that would terrorize everyone around him, and only then start withdrawing funds.

But then strange things slowly began to happen. At the beginning, the weekly production level of “black pearls”; sharply dropped to the daily norm, that is, what he previously produced in a day, he began to struggle to produce in a week. Moreover, for everyone else everything was at the same level, it was only he who experienced such changes. To which he wrote an angry letter to the administration, in which he expressed his indignation at the current state of affairs.

In the letter, he wrote that he is not going to withdraw funds yet, but this state of affairs puts him in a disadvantageous position in front of players of free accounts, it turns out that he purchased an account with money, and the administration creates obstacles in development. After this letter, the level of production was restored to its previous level, hence the conclusion that the administration really created such a vacuum so as not to allow too much to be produced and therefore withdrawn.

At first he thought that the conflict was over and continued developing the character. He spoke enthusiastically about his plans. He planned to develop science to the maximum and develop all his cities to the maximum and arrange them on the map in such a way that he could reach any point on the map with his troops, in general, scatter cities all over the map. With such a strategic location of cities, he became completely invulnerable, because now he could reach any enemy, no matter where his cities and troops were located.

In general, his plans for Barbarossa were not destined to come true. As I understand it, the administration of the game took note of him and carefully observed the speed and level of his development, and when he became a threat, they began to create obstacles for him and this was again expressed in the level of production of ChZ, and a lot depends on ChZ in this game and if the production his small player finds himself in a vulnerable position, not to mention the inability to withdraw it and turn it into real money.

He wrote another letter, to which there was no response and no changes in the game occurred. Then he realized that this was not just an accident, it was the company’s policy, why would a company need such monsters, who, moreover, no longer need to purchase black iron for money, but are also reaching the level of decent earnings.

In general, the brother, in his hearts, wrote another letter, which contained three-story word combinations and a figurative representation of what he thought about them and their relatives. AND stopped playing My Land, since hope for income was reduced to zero. In total, about $100 and half a year of my life were invested in this game.

Conclusion about the game My Land

I won’t say that it’s impossible to make money here at all, I think that some 5-10 dollars is possible after half a year of playing, but no one will allow you to earn at a good level, at least 100 dollars a month. And this would not be logical, the goal of the game is not to enrich everyone, but to enrich a narrow group of people, that is, the organizers.

Why would they share a hundred dollars with you every month, despite the fact that they will no longer see any profit from you, because you have reached a level of production where you no longer need to purchase black iron for money. Isn’t it easier for you to simply survive from the game, giving room to other fools, to invest your funds in their development, administrators, for a bright future.

Therefore, I do not recommend considering this type of income seriously as something on which you will live. You can spend a chunk of your life on game in My Land, for the sake of the pleasure of the game itself, this is your right. But as a source of your prosperity, I recommend choosing a more reliable method.

The fascinating strategy game My Lands already has a fairly large user audience, which is growing every day.

The number of visitors is increasing because the number of people wanting to make money on the Internet is also growing.

And the game provides players with the opportunity to earn real money. After registration, you will be offered a choice of race; if you register for the sole purpose of earning money, then this is not important, and you can choose a race only by the name you like.

There are two strategies aimed at quickly replenishing money, but each of them requires players to perform a variety of actions.

How to play My Lands?

The first strategy, the so-called “miner”, the essence of this strategy is to mine gold, which can be spent on black pearls.

The strategy is quite easy, you just need to start building all your capitals in the desert, because... at the same time you will receive additional gold. Build about 5 capitals in the desert and equip them with laboratories, except for one.

Which will need to be built up with shops and houses. After you have collected a lot of resources, begin to slowly demolish the laboratories, turning 4 cities into the one you equipped with shops. But don't demolish all the laboratories, leave some to complete the study of free sciences.

The second strategy is based on winning money on your own. All that is required of you is to create 2-3 large armies as quickly as possible, capable of destroying level 6 ruins.

The main thing to remember is that the construction of the capital must be on native soil, and also do not build too close to another player, because in this case, you will have to share the ruins with him.

Build up your city with laboratories, thanks to which you can constantly upgrade your army. Bring your army to the point where, when fighting in ruins, you win without losses. If you succeed, consider yourself a successful employee.

Where to start playing on My Lands?

The first thing a novice player has to do is choose a race. When you go to the My Lands website, you will immediately be able to select (this is done before registration):

The choice of race affects development, since the characters have their own characteristics. To make it easier for you to choose, let's look at the features:

Light elves are the easiest to start with, since they produce wood the fastest. The race is also distinguished by its effective healers (useful in battles).

Knights - stand out for their high-speed mining of gold and grains. Both resources are required for rapid development, and in addition, porters have a large capacity, which is ideal for robberies.

Demons have the most powerful attack characteristics, which gives a serious advantage in battles. Also, by choosing this race, you will be able to collect stones faster.

Dark elves - their wood production is also increased, but in addition to this, they quickly collect iron. Possessing a serious magical attack, the characters are excellent at dealing with watchtowers.

Everyone has their own advantages, choose the race that you like best. After this, you will have to go through a simple registration by specifying your login, password and email address.

At first you will play in test mode, then you will have to decide whether to play just like that or with the possibility of withdrawing funds. To be able to withdraw money, you need to subscribe:

The cost changes periodically, currently it is 4188 black pearls per year. Initially, you will not have a black iron, but you can buy it. After choosing a top-up method, you will see the prices.

For example, if you select Webmoney, then the cost of 4200 black pearls will be almost $42:

You won't be able to start from scratch, although you can try playing without a subscription to gain experience. When you become a real professional, simply register again and then subscribe.

How do you make money in My Lands?

Only one currency in this game can be exchanged for real money - black pearls. It is extremely difficult to extract the resource; without good development and a powerful army, it is almost impossible to do this.

You will have to play for more than one month in order to use it later one of the main methods of extracting black iron:

You shouldn’t use just one option; it’s better to try and collect black iron from several sources at once.

Of course, it is difficult and you need to develop well first, but it is worth it. Play for fun, then you won’t even notice how quickly you’ve assembled an invincible army capable of earning real money.

Alternative ways to earn money in My Lands

Most sites present only those ways of earning money that involve mining black pearls.

In fact, you can make a profit using other options. They can be classified as unofficial ways of earning money, but they really work and can bring even more profit:

  1. Selling cities is a very profitable option that beginners are not aware of. Don't pay attention to the black pearls, play and develop, showing the qualities of a competent strategist. When you have a developed city with a pumped-up garrison and impenetrable defense, offers to sell virtual property will begin to arrive.
  2. Developed trade will help you collect maximum gold, for which you can then buy black pearls. This option is not the easiest; you will have to sell everything just to collect the main game currency. Knights with increased gold production are ideal for this method.
  3. Creating a clan is an option for true entrepreneurs. Why work on your own when you can recruit a team of warriors and miners, receiving various bonuses from them. Alternatively, you can create clans for newcomers (hiding them under your wing), but you will have to help them develop.
  4. Resident Evil - appears every 4 months in the game, after which a brutal war of light and darkness begins. Monsters multiply at a tremendous speed, you have to constantly engage in battles, plus fight with opponents. If you arrange and even plunder the Resident Evil, you will receive an amount exceeding $15,000 (the bank is filled with the money that players contribute to the project).

Whichever of these methods you choose, you will in any case have the opportunity to earn real money in My Lands. This game is known all over the world and it’s not just that it has a multimillion-dollar audience of fans; people make good money from it.

Yes, everyone enjoys the game My Lands. In it you can build cities and extract useful resources, create armies and rob neighbors, enter into alliances with other players and much more.

But the main feature of the game "My Lands: Black Gem Hunting", which made it popular, is that you can earn real, not just virtual money. In other words, you can quite seriously convert the currency mined in the game into real money! And especially lucky players who are lucky enough to find the Arch-Ruins have a chance to earn up to 100 thousand ZH in one battle, which is 1000 dollars!

Beginning players have questions like the following:

  • Is it possible to make money in My Lands?
  • How to make money in My Lands?
  • How much can you earn in My Lands?

This article is devoted to the answers to these questions.

So, I will answer the first question right away - YES, you CAN make money, and this is not a deception of the developers. Let me briefly explain what the principle is. In any economic game there are resources. These are well-known stones, iron, gold, etc. In My Lands, players mine them to develop their kingdom. But, in addition to traditional resources, there are also Black Pearls. Which is nothing more than a CONVERTABLE game currency, which can quite realistically be withdrawn to a WebMoney wallet, and many have already done this.

Black pearls cannot be looted from other players and, accordingly, they cannot be looted from you, although they can be exchanged for gold mined in the game. At the start of the game you are given 50 ZH for free. However, in order to be able to withdraw money, the player first needs to purchase a subscription for 650 CZH or 6.5 $. After registration, you have 10 days during which you need to decide whether you will play with the possibility of withdrawing money or for your own pleasure.

I will say for sure that in the first 10 days it is almost impossible to earn 650 ZH necessary to extend the promotional period, or at least very difficult. In general, if in the first 10 days of the game you fail to get 650 ZH in the game (and you will not succeed with a 99% probability), then you buy a subscription for real money, or refuse a paid subscription and play for fun without the possibility of withdrawal funds. These are the things, but what next?

The beginner thinks - well, it’s long and difficult, the profit won’t come soon, if at all, but you have to pay now. There are many such skeptics, because most online games, to be honest, are created purely to milk money from players. Yes it is. Therefore, when they learn about a game in which you can extract money from the developers, people don’t really believe it. Many people immediately snort contemptuously and don’t even bother to check whether this is so. Others still decide to check.

And then it turns out that not many people make money here, but only those who have the patience and perseverance. How much can you earn in My Lands? And the main thing is HOW to do it. Read more about this.

First, let's explain that 100 Black Pearls are equal to one dollar. The minimum amount of ChZh that we are allowed to withdraw is 5000 ChZh, which is equal to $50 minus 5% commission.

Where can I get Black Pearls? There are at least four sources of it in My Lands.

The ruins are infested with monsters and filled with valuable resources

On the map of the kingdoms, in addition to the players’ cities, there are all kinds of Ruins, which are divided into levels from the first to the sixth. The higher the level of the Ruins, the more tasty things there are, but also the stronger the defense. There are also Arch-ruins of the Seventh level, which randomly appear once a month, but more on them later.

So, in these same Ruins, in addition to the usual resources, you can also get Black Pearls... With such an expectation that in the Ruins of the First Level there can be up to five Black Pearls. The second level is up to 10 ZH. The third level is up to 15 CH, the Fourth is up to 20 CH, the Fifth is up to 25 CH, the Sixth is up to 100 CH. And the Seventh level - up to 100,000 CZH or translated into money - $1000.

In order to attack the Ruins, you first need to spy on them, find out what is sitting there, then create a mission, select troops for the mission and send them. If you did not send troops too far, then the mission can take an average of half an hour, during which it is advisable for you to ensure that other players do not create side missions, as they say, to catch up.

You can loot up to thirty Ruins per day. On average, this will bring about 100 ZH. But to loot so many Ruins every day, you need to stay in the game for 12 hours a day. In addition, you will most likely spend the pearls you earn on purchasing all kinds of bonuses, so this type of income can be classified more as pocket expenses. Let's move on.


The auction is a place where you can buy Black Pearls for in-game gold. Taking into account the limit, you can withdraw about ten million gold from the Ruins. Your army will require about five million in wages. On average, if we consider that one Black Pearl costs about a million gold, then we will purchase another fifty pieces of Black Pearl.

Salt Lake - filled to capacity with Black Pearls

Having captured this place, the player receives a constant source of black iron in the amount of twenty pieces per hour. The number of lakes that a player can capture is five, which equals 100 pearls per hour. That is, this is 2400 CHF EVERY DAY. Impressive? Still would! BUT!

Even if you are among the top players, you are unlikely to hold more than one lake. There's a lot of competition. On average, a player receives 7200 ZH or 72 USD per month for owning one lake, which, you see, is not bad. But others will also covet such a lake, so to hold it, you will need either a very large army or a very influential clan.

Having captured Salt Lake, you should thoroughly fortify it, build defensive structures and leave a solid garrison inside in order to deprive other players of the motivation to encroach on your possession. Of course, the more profitable the lake, the more it is advisable to invest in its defense.


Now we have reached the richest source of black iron. Once a month, a so-called Arch-Ruin appears in the empire, full of monsters and pearls. In this Arch-Ruin there can be from 25 to 100 THOUSAND Black Pearls.

And it seems great to get $1000 right away, BUT!

Firstly, this Ruin can appear anywhere and anytime. Secondly, this happens no more than once a month, Thirdly, this Ruin already has a very large number of monsters, and sometimes it happens with a Hero, who will not be easy to take out, In addition, the ruins of the seventh level are hunted by hundreds of players, so the likelihood that luck will smile on you, although there is, is very small.

Bottom line

We looked at all the ways to get Black Pearls. So, is it possible to make money in My Lands? This is not even a question. The question is different - is the game worth the candle? But only you can answer this yourself. After all, in the end, how much you will earn in My Lands depends only on your efforts, intelligence, and, of course, luck (where would we be without it? This is a game, after all).

As they say, the one who walks can master the road. So the main thing in this matter is to start. Wealth to you and high profits!

We welcome all beginners and professional gamers to the site!

Recently, we have been asked quite often questions about the browser-based online strategy My Lands of the following nature:

  • How to make money in the online game My Lands?
  • How much can you earn playing My Lands?
  • Are there any secrets to making money in the My Lands strategy?

Therefore, today there will be an article dedicated specifically to the issues of making money in this online game.

It’s important to start right

Professional gamers earn an average of about $1,000 each monthly from My Lands. But to achieve this level of income, you first need to master all the tricks of the game. Are you still not registered in the game? Please fix this immediately !

I warn you in advance: do not create more than one account at the same time! Cartoon farming is strictly suppressed by the administration.

Choosing a race

– have the fastest wood production in the game. This is very important for a quick start. In addition, they have the most powerful healers.

– have the fastest gold production in the game. This is the most versatile ability. Knight Porters have the largest backpack capacity, making them the most suitable for looting. They also have the most capacious warehouses and accelerated production of cereals.

– have the fastest stone mining in the game. Most creatures of this race have the highest level of attack, which gives them undoubted superiority in battles.

– have the fastest iron production in the game. They also get wood quite quickly. Superior to other races in magical damage, dark elves quickly destroy enemy watchtowers.

Server selection

There are two types of servers: combat and mining. I would recommend starting with miners, as they have more favorable conditions for making money.

Well, here we are in the game. Immediately begin to develop in all directions. Follow the advisor's recommendations - this will significantly speed up your development. First of all, we build a woodcutter's hut for extracting wood and an alchemist's laboratory for the development of science.

Let's start earning real money in My Lands

It’s not for nothing that it is written on the main page of the game that this the first online strategy with money withdrawal. You can earn money in My Lands in several ways:

1. City planner: $1000 per month

One of the most profitable methods of making money in the game is the development of your own cities for the purpose of subsequent resale. Build a properly equipped city with a powerful garrison and sell it to other players. The average price of a pumped up city is $1100. As soon as you create a truly strong city, other players themselves will offer to sell it to you.

2. Ruin Robber: up to $1000 per month

This is one of the easiest ways to earn money. The game has an internal currency - Black Pearls (BL). You can get it in Ruins and Salt Lakes. For one trip to the Ruins you can get 50 - 100 thousand ZH ($500 - $1000). And each Salt Lake brings its owner 20 ZH per hour, i.e. about 15,000 CZH per month.

In other words, you just sit at home, play the game and get up to $1000 a month (or maybe more - it all depends on you).

3. Professional Trader: $500 per month

Black Pearls can be earned not only in military campaigns. There is an auction in the game where black iron can be bought for gold. It’s not for nothing that at the very beginning I recommended knights with their bonus to gold production. Don't forget that resources can also be sold for gold.

4. Clan Leader: $350 per month

A smart entrepreneur never works alone. All the work is done for him by hired servants. It's the same in My Lands. Create your own clan, recruit the best warriors and miners into it and earn money. Another source of income for the clan is the protection of newcomers. But this option is only suitable for people with organizational skills.

5. Legendary commander: $10,000 in 4 months

For professional gamers, there is Faction War in My Lands. On special servers, an all-out battle between light and darkness is held once every 4 months. At the center of the world lies an epic ruin - Resident Evil. In this ruin, all the black gold that the players spend is collected. The goal of the game is to destroy all the capitals of the opposing faction.

If after 4 months neither side has the upper hand, then Armageddon occurs. Stray monsters begin to multiply exponentially and attack players.

The commander who survived the war takes the entire prize fund, which averages $15,000. And if you manage to plunder Resident Evil, then the amount becomes even greater.

So why doesn't everyone make money like that?

Most people are very skeptical about making money from games. According to statistics, every 20 out of 100 new My Lands players earn about $600 monthly. The remaining 80 are simply registered and, in most cases, do not even reach level 2. And there are those who think that to make money in My Lands you just need to register and do nothing. But here, as in WoW, you need to constantly work on developing your account. Only then will you earn truly real money.