How to make money using youtube hosting. How you can make money on YouTube from scratch using white-collar methods and without investments. Connecting monetization to the channel

Are you interested in creating additional income? You're unlikely to get rich from YouTube, but you can earn an extra $50 - $100 a month on it. This is how I do it!

Do you want to make some money online? Why not try making money on YouTube? To make money on YouTube, you don't have to create “viral” videos, but if you do get lucky and your video becomes popular, you will make money.

This is all thanks to the companies that pay for advertising on YouTube (which is owned by Google, for those of you who didn't know).

In this article, I'm going to give you ideas for creating videos that can make you some real money on YouTube, as well as give you some tips on how to create your video.

I don’t promise you mountains of gold and the fulfillment of all your dreams - but if you are looking for a real way, this may be the article you have been looking for!

Some statistics from yours truly

First, let's look at the stats for a few of my videos. I want to show you that I don't make a ton of money yet.

But don't jump to conclusions from these numbers because there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account. I will discuss these factors in the next section. Here are the statistics:

As you can see in the pictures above, there is no relationship where X amount of traffic is guaranteed to bring you X amount of money. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. To prove this to you, here are the statistics of my video, which has simply terrible advertising income:

Not enough, isn't it? I want to give you a sense of how widely the effectiveness of video can vary, but the potential is certainly there.

I've created a calculator that will give you an approximation of your income, depending on several factors.

Recently, it has become popular not only to maintain a written blog, but also to be blogger on YouTube. Despite the popularity of making money on YouTube, there are still enough users who simply post their videos for the sake of hobby and do not know that they can make good money from them.

Before creating a channel on the most popular video hosting site YouTube, you need to carefully think through its original concept and style in order to stand out from the bulk of similar. Uploaded videos should force users to subscribe to the channel, so you should evaluate their usefulness and interestingness before posting. It’s unlikely that anyone will be interested in boring videos that don’t make any sense.

You can't upload other people's videos to your channel. need to shoot your own. As a last resort, video downloaded from the Internet should be subjected to high-quality processing using special software.

As for audio tracks, only the music that is in the music library of the video hosting itself is allowed. Otherwise, the channel may not pass moderation for the right to advertise or be completely banned by the YouTube administration.

Audio tracks are not the only criterion that a channel must meet to successfully check for monetization rights. There are certain requirements for receiving your first salary.

YouTube channel requirements

Listed below are the requirements for YouTube channels, compliance with which makes it possible to place advertisements:

  • The channel should have More than a month;
  • Monthly views not less than 5000;
  • At the time of submitting an application for monetization, the number of subscribers to the channel is more than 300 users;
  • Posted at least 10 high-quality copyright videos.

How to quickly gain subscribers to a channel?

Sometimes it happens that the channel has existed for more than a month, high-quality content - with high-definition video and excellent sound, but there are not enough subscribers and views to apply. In this case, you can artificially increase the counters, the main thing is to do it gradually so as not to arouse suspicion from YouTube. To get the missing views and subscriptions, you can use special services:

Monetization of the channel and earnings on it

Once the basic requirements for the channel have been met, you can submit an application for monetization. Having received approval from the administration, you need to enter into a partnership agreement with YouTube, connect the Google Adsense contextual advertising service, and earn money from advertising placed in front of the videos, in the videos themselves, and on the side of them.

You can also create video reviews of affiliate products and get money for it (this type of income is very relevant for popular video blogs).

Without a doubt, these are not all the ways to make money on your YouTube channel, everyone can be smart and organize their own way of income, the main thing is that it did not contradict the rules of the system.

It will also be useful to know how to properly promote a video on YouTube and promote your channel.

How to make money on YouTube without running your own channel

You can make money on the video hosting site in question without your own channel – by watching other people’s videos. The amount of income directly depends on number of completed orders. To work, you must have a YouTube account and register with the project - an intermediary between the employee and the advertiser.

Platforms where you can earn money by watching videos

With the help of YouTube video hosting, you can earn money both by running your own channel and by watching other videos; income is available to absolutely everyone.

YouTube remains the largest video hosting site on the Internet around the world. The most visited site after Google and Facebook provides a huge platform for making money for its users.

The popularity of YouTube is explained by the fact that here you can easily post your videos, as well as films and trailers, and make money from it. So, what do you need to do to make money on YouTube?

Create a channel and start earning money

You need:

  1. Register forYouTube. When registering, you will need your Google+ email address. If you don't have a Google account, you'll need to register there first.
  2. After registration, you will have your own channel that needs to be designed. Customize the channel to your liking you can do it yourself, as it is done quite easily. You can also turn to professionals who, for a certain amount of money, will quickly and efficiently create the design of your channel.
  3. Define video content. What you do should, first of all, bring you pleasure, then you will put your soul into creating videos for the channel, and it will attract more viewers. This is what we should strive for. There are various options: you can make educational videos (drawing, playing the guitar, cooking, dog training, etc.), reviews (of books, games, music, products), walkthroughs of games or a video blog where you express an opinion on any topic.
  4. Write a video script, shoot it and edit it. Of course, you can do without a script and without editing, but you have a much better chance of attracting viewers by adding really high-quality video to your channel. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the sound, color scheme, how you stand in the frame and take into account a number of other nuances.
  5. Start promoting your videos. To attract an audience, you need to get your videos in front of potential viewers as often as possible. To do this, first of all, you need to post videos regularly and as often as possible. It is also necessary to advertise your channel on various social networks; first of all, people who will be interested in your chosen topic should know about you. Much attention should be paid to the titles of the videos: you need to visit a site for selecting keywords and use in the title those words that are most often requested in the search engine. This is done so that as many people as possible, when searching for information on the topic of your video, find exactly it.
  6. And finally start earning money money on your video. This can be done in different ways.

Monetization methods

So, let's look at ways to monetize a channel, that is, to make a profit from it:

  • The most common and simplest way is partnership with YouTube or other media networks. When your channel becomes very popular, or even at the very beginning of the channel’s development, you can enter into an agreement with a media network to place short video advertisements in your videos. From viewing this advertisement you will receive money.
  • Introduction of paid services. That is, if your channel is aimed at training, you can make some of the video lessons paid for your subscribers. This function is available when you click the “To watch a video, you must rent or purchase it” button when downloading a video, in the monetization tab. Of course, the first video lessons should remain free in order to attract users who will purchase your lessons in the future.
  • UseYouTubeas a platform for advertising your own products. So, for example, on your channel dedicated to video tutorials on drawing, information about the sale of your paintings can be posted.
  • Participate in the affiliate program. If your channel has a large number of subscribers and your videos are popular, you can review various products and earn income from affiliate sales.
  • Rent out a channel. An already promoted channel will be in great demand; there will be those who want to post, for a certain amount, their video on your channel with a fairly large audience.

How to make money not on your channel or on other people's videos

Even if you don't want to make videos, there are still a couple of ways for you to make money on your channel:

  1. You can add videos to your channel that will be interesting to a large audience, but will not violate copyright. These are, for example, movie clips or trailers. This way you can earn money from advertising without much effort.
  2. Become a channel manager. If you have enough skills in designing and promoting YouTube channels, you can provide these services for money.

How to make money on gray channels

This method is also suitable for those who. Owners of gray channels fill them with other people's videos on a certain topic that are not protected by copyright.

So, to earn income from a gray channel on YouTube you need:

  • Firstly, find the videos you will add to the channel. The main thing you need to focus on when searching is that the video should not be protected by copyright, which provides the copyright holder with the opportunity to file a complaint against you if you use a video that belongs to him. Safe videos in this regard include random funny situations from life, jokes, videos from car registrators, etc. You can also use films, clips, TV series or trailers. Even recordings of Twitch streams are popular. If the video is already present on YouTube, it will most likely be detected by the Content ID system and removed from the hosting. There is a way to trick the system by increasing the uniqueness of the re-uploaded video: you can apply filters, make a frame around the edges, add music, etc. In general, do everything to make your video different from the original version, but the meaning of what is happening remains unchanged if possible, unless of course this is your goal.
  • Secondly, to generate income from a gray channel, you simply need to use one of the already listed methods of channel monetization.

How to make money on a children's channel

Often, in order to keep their child occupied, parents play YouTube videos with various children's cartoons. Children can spend hours on channels dedicated to cars, cartoon characters, and more. You can create your own children's channel, advertising on which will bring you considerable income.

How to fill such a channel:

  1. Cartoons. Your channel can be dedicated to a famous serial cartoon, or be an analogue of a TV channel with cartoons, or, for example, be a collection of Soviet cartoons. But when creating such a channel, you should not forget what has already been said above about copyrights and the re-adding of a video already available on YouTube.

You can use both already known cartoons and those created by you personally, which, however, will require you to spend time and effort. If you have animation skills, then this process will not be difficult for you and will even bring you pleasure. For some, it will be easier and more convenient to use toys or plasticine figures when creating a cartoon, which will become heroes of stories.

  1. Reviews. Children will be interested in the process of their peer opening a box with a new doll, multifunctional car or construction set. There are plenty of examples of such videos on YouTube and they all have an impressive number of views. Their content boils down to the fact that the child unpacks a new toy and studies in detail and describes all its advantages. In the case of constructors, the video can also contain the process of building something.

How much can you earn

So, you've created your channel, decided on content, post videos regularly, and use one or more of the monetization methods listed above. Now you are most likely interested in the question of how much you can earn from all this. There is no definite answer, it all depends on you, the amount varies from one hundred to several thousand dollars a month.

There are two ways to check how much a channel owner earns. But these indicators are influenced by a large number of factors, so they should be taken into account only as approximate ones.

  1. Income can be calculated using the formula. You need to find out the number of views on the channel for the time period of interest (year month day). Next, divide this number by a thousand and multiply by one dollar. This formula is not difficult to derive, knowing that advertisers pay $1 per thousand views of their advertising video on your channel.
  2. The site “” will also help you find out how much the channel owner earns on YouTube.. Here you can easily find out almost complete channel statistics by entering its name (without using http and www) and clicking the “Search” button. Using the site, you can determine: the channel’s income for the year and month, the overall rank of the channel, the number of views over the last month and the change in the number of subscribers.

So, we can say with confidence that making money on YouTube is quite possible and is possible for anyone who wants it. The only question is the amount of earnings, which is proportional to the time and effort you put into the project.

In order to make really big money, the number of people who watch your videos must be measured in billions. For example, videos on the “This is Good” channel, dedicated to the presenter’s unique commentary on funny videos, gained about eight hundred and fifty billion views. And perhaps the most popular video blogger, Katya Klap, gains more than two hundred and fifty billion views on some of her video blogs. It’s scary to imagine how much you can earn on such channels.

Video response

One of the most popular videos on the topic is a video with more than 2 million views. Wylsacom talks about how to make money on YouTube.

The well-known website is visited by about a billion users every month. This impressive audience also includes potential buyers. At the same time, thousands of them already successfully run their own channels here, attract subscribers - regular viewers, and earn incredibly big money from this. In this regard, many people have a question: how to create a channel on YouTube and make money?

In this article we will tell you how to start making money on a YouTube channel after you have created it.

Like ourselves, most people watch TV series, educational videos and music videos. But among the owners of YouTube channels there are many for whom editing and uploading videos is their main job. I also have two channels on YouTube, one about travel , another pro cars . But for me, these channels at the moment are not the main source of income, and I run them solely for entertainment - a hobby. But who knows, maybe over time it will be my YouTube channels that will “feed” me.

According to gazettereview, the highest paid channel on YouTube is Michelle Phan. This is a girl whose video tutorials helped her earn $50 million under a contract with Lanc?me, a global brand that became interested in her work. Not bad, right? I think so too!

9 ways to make money on YouTube

Creating your own brand

The great thing about YouTube is that anyone can make a name for themselves here. Whatever you do, wherever you work, by posting a relevant or sensational video on your YouTube channel, it’s easy for you to make yourself a successful and famous person. If you don't have an idea yet, you need to make videos about your interests. For example, videos about sports training at home are becoming very popular, despite the fact that there are many gyms in cities.

10 ways to make money on YouTube

Turn your pet or child into a YouTube star

Your lazy but capable cat doesn't even know he's special. So let's make small achievements with him, filming his antics with jumping, fights with other animals and unusual poses. Give him a great name. This can ensure that in a few days he will be recognized by thousands, or even millions of people.

Forbes advises: “You don’t have to be a singer to be a YouTube star. Experiment and take a video of your child, a natural phenomenon or your favorite animal - and the viral effect will manifest itself.”

Therefore, always keep a small camera or phone at hand, because interesting events in life often happen unplanned. Don’t be afraid to experiment and implement unusual ideas - your work will definitely reward you over time. Implement even the craziest of them, and over time your work will definitely pay off and you will be able to earn decent money on your YouTube channel.

And finally, advice, if you want to attract YouTube to your channel, start shooting videos from the air.

To help beginner YouTubers, I can offer (DJI Mavik Pro) The videos will be of very high quality and you will definitely achieve success in the Internet business! I think now everyone understands how to create a channel on YouTube and make money. Who wants to learn how to promote websites to the TOP of search engines and become a professional SEO specialist, come to me. Good luck!

There are actually several ways how to make money on YouTube. Anyone has the right to take advantage of all these opportunities.

That is, today, right now, you can try your hand. We'll talk about how to make money on YouTube from scratch and what exactly you need to do for this.

Looking ahead a little, I want to note that you don’t have to have your own channel (although the earnings on the channel are higher). There is no need to shoot videos and post them on the Internet. It turns out you can also get paid for watching someone else’s video on YouTube. If you are interested, I suggest you figure out the ways to make money on YouTube videos and choose an option for yourself.

Or read the article. Which describes earning options for beginners.Of course, gold coins and millions of dollars do not shine for a beginner. It is clear that such earnings on the Internet will be modest right away; don’t expect a lot of money. But you don’t need any investments, additional payments or top-ups.

While you are just interested and sniffing around how to make money on YouTube, hundreds of people have been making a profit for several years now. It's time for you to join this company and try to earn your first money on YouTube. Moreover, there is nothing super natural or super complicated here.

How to make real money on YouTube - an overview of the possibilities!

As always, I offer the most basic and reliable options. There will not be many of them, or more precisely, only two. Yes, just like that, there are not enough ways and they are very different from each other. And so here they are:

  • Make money on your YouTube channel.
  • Earn money on YouTube by watching other people's videos.

As you can see, you will need completely different actions. Income will also differ, and significantly. Well, then I suggest you delve into the details to understand which option is right for you.

Earning money from someone else's video on YouTube

This option is best for a beginner who is just figuring out how to make money on YouTube. You don’t have to promote your channel, shoot videos and wait for admission to the affiliate program. You can start earning money today, or rather right now. But the income will be less, since no one will pay much for watching video clips.

What should be done?

  • You will increase the number of views of other people's videos and subscribe to the right channels.
  • Also write good comments and likes. This is necessary for those who want to promote their channel. They will gladly pay you for these actions. But where can you find them all?

There are special sites where they post tasks and pay everyone who completes it correctly. Your task is simply to register on the desired website, find this task, complete it and get the money you deserve. The best project for such work for many years has been SeoSprint.

If we talk about cost, the price of one such task starts from 0.01 dollars and can reach up to 0.05. The amounts are certainly not great, but by completing 20-30 such tasks every day you can get 30-50 dollars per month.

How to make money on your YouTube channel, features

This is the most profitable way. It is he who will bring you good and more or less stable income. Which, by the way, will also be passive. Experienced people make huge money on YouTube.

Everything would be fine, but you will only be able to receive money after a while. I'll explain why. In fact, you can create a channel for yourself in a couple of minutes, but this is just the beginning. After all, in order for it to start giving back in the form of money, you will have to work a little.

Here's what you need to do to make money on your YouTube channel:

  • Upload videos to it, the bigger, the better. Well, at least 20-30 videos. All videos must be copyrighted, that is, filmed by you, since the use of others is prohibited. You can even take pictures with a camera, but the quality would be better. Today people like to watch not just a good video; the better the recording, the better.
  • Get each video to have a certain number of views. Your videos should be interesting and useful. Have positive ratings and good reviews.
  • Have the required number of subscribers on your channel.
  • Become a youtube partner, having concluded an appropriate agreement with him. But here it’s more complicated. Since from Russia and Belarus you cannot simply connect to the affiliate program to earn money. You will have to submit an application, which must be approved by the administration. But not everything is so bad, there is another option. You can enter into a partnership agreement with an intermediary. YouTube has official partners who offer their services to everyone.
  • If you are accepted and approved then we start earning money. And it consists of placing advertising in your video materials. It can be at the beginning of the video, or pop up while watching it. There is also an option to place an advertising banner to the right of the video. Payment is made for each person click on this advertisement. The cost of one click starts from $0.01 and above. There are clicks for 0.5 and even 1 dollar. YouTube will pay you 50% of its income.

That's all, in a nutshell. As you can see, you will have to spend some time and effort to start earning at least some money on YouTube. What amount will it be, how much can you earn on YouTube? If anyone thinks that advertisements are not clicked on, then you are mistaken.

It is clear that starting from scratch is difficult, because you need to create a channel and promote it. Not to mention shooting videos. But it’s worth it, because today experienced video bloggers earn $1,000 or more per month. However, you will have to spend more than one day on the Internet reading all the details.

Well, now the choice is yours. Which method to choose and where to start is up to everyone to decide. Today on YouTube successful channels earn more than one thousand dollars a month, join us!