How to properly promote your mlm business. How to learn how to promote network marketing via the Internet What are the earnings of the most successful in the MLM industry

It took radio 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million, television 13. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have accounts on social networks and spend (at least) two hours a day on them. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of popularity of social networks.

There is a growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get acquainted with four effective ways of promotion.

Content is the main factor of promotion

Any SMM specialist will confirm: without quality content, promotion tools are useless. If your brand’s page is boring, you shouldn’t count on audience growth and loyalty.

Three components of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between a company’s blog and its page on a social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, for people from the business environment, two or three updates will be enough, but for the beauty community this is clearly not enough. It is necessary to adhere to the chosen content strategy regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Publications should be lively, evoking an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overtly promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia- “social services are not for everyone.” It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of a “complex interface”, and their areas of interest include gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its forms. They willingly like and share materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set the mood for positivity. Most of Facebook's active audience uses the mobile application - it is recommended to illustrate posts with pictures measuring 800 × 600.

"In contact with"- the largest social network on the Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; Users' interests are mainly focused on entertainment (communication, games, music, movies, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is advisable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

The most popular among photo hosting sites in Russia is Instagram. At the same time, when maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single design style (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), and also place objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture more visually attractive).


The ability to place targeted advertising is available on almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising on social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are also companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographic (geotargeting) - displaying advertising to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki near Moscow. Your targeted ad will be shown to residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - displaying advertising depending on gender, age, marital status and other social criteria. Thus, it is recommended to place advertisements for children's products and household goods on the pages of married women over 25, and advertisements for an art store - on the pages of designers, architects, and decorators.
  • Contextual - displaying advertising in accordance with the user's interests. Membership in groups such as “Fashion”, Fashion, “Shopping”, etc. clearly demonstrates the user’s interests. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - displaying advertising depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search queries, etc.). Let's say a person is interested in Latin American dancing, goes to a salsa club, and looks for relevant videos - there is a high probability that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a last-minute tour to Cuba.

Despite its apparent simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the brand's target audience. Secondly, make an ad.

Advertising in communities

Advertising in communities (in the professional language of SMM specialists - sowing) is the purchase of posting posts or reposts in popular communities. In the first case (purchase of a post), the advertiser’s goal is to increase traffic on the company’s website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to the company’s group on a social network. Moreover, the more subscribers the community in which you buy a post has, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

You can negotiate with community owners directly or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, it was opened by the social network VKontakte (an account for advertisers). Advertising is placed by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for 24 hours.

Professional promotion in social media

This refers to services that provide paid promotion services on social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These include Plibber. Why conditional? Because the capabilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize a shocking advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites from the target audience and begin sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available and you can start attracting fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? We addressed this question, which is of interest to all advertisers, to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

CEO and ideological inspirer of Knows everything and more about social media.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes, infographics, illustrations, viral videos, advertising games, etc.;
  • place a link within the visible area of ​​the post announcement (first and second lines);
  • introduce a call to action into the content;
  • add a provocative survey;
  • work with associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique competitions.

If you manage to find the content that your audience craves, you can count on over 600 clicks from one post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers; now good results are being detected in the community

Article marketing;

Notice boards;

SEO blog optimization

Nowadays, most networkers create their subscription list by offering their target audience something of value in exchange for their contact information.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a successful online business

This is a worldwide practice. Give valuable freebies, and the person will voluntarily leave his contact information.

How wrong they are!

In the MLM business, it is important to provide yourself with several types of income in order to always feel financially confident. Of course, the main type of income will be a company check, but you need to think in advance about additional sources of income that will allow you to develop your MLM business comprehensively.

Step #1 Setting a goal

The first and most important thing for you as a company leader is to set a measurable and clear goal. Why do you need a business?

4 really effective ways to promote your business on social networks

Many of my clients, by skipping only this stage, lose hundreds of thousands and millions by realizing unconscious intentions.

Step #2 Who is your client?

Step #3 Delegation

Step #6 Training

Sources pros Minuses
  1. Selection of quality books
  2. Time consuming
  3. Difficult to implement knowledge
  1. Short in time
  1. Duration is short
  2. Just the basics
  1. Learning new skills
  1. Coach's choice
  2. It is important to set aside days off
  3. Fly to another city
Internet trainings
  1. Opportunity to ask questions
  2. Information + Homework
  1. Coach's choice
  2. Reports on work in the training
  1. Result guarantee
    (if the coach gives it)
  2. Personal approach
  3. Implementation of skills
  1. Choosing a Coach

Having a website is standard. A website is your business card, which is available to people 24 hours a day. It is important to ensure that your website is accessible and understandable to your customers. Better simple than bulky.

Start publishing interesting materials on your topic, videos, audio, articles.

Write on topics that concern your clients. The more good articles you have on your site, the more potential clients will come to you from search.

Step #9 Be Unique!

For example, people come to your website and you offer them to receive a free report, book, audio, video on a topic of interest to them (related to your activities). They leave their name and email.

  1. Do you have their contacts?

But this is just the beginning

In the age of information technology, most networkers are looking for new opportunities to develop their MLM business. And the main tool for such development is the Internet. This does not mean that the “old methods” of MLM development do not work. They work, and for many networkers they work “with a bang,” but currently there are huge opportunities for using online tools that greatly simplify running an online business.

What are 7 important steps that will help you create a successful and profitable MLM business?

STEP 1: Become a master of attracting targeted traffic!

Traffic is the basis of any online business. Therefore, if you want to successfully build your MLM business, learn how to attract a huge amount of targeted traffic. The main tool for developing a network business on the Internet is the MLM blog - your strategic center. Therefore, it is so important that your MLM center is visited by the same target audience, which will later be converted into subscribers, and ultimately become partners or clients.

The Internet is convenient because we initially have the opportunity to influence exclusively our target audience, excluding contact with those who are not such.

Targeted traffic can be obtained using paid and free methods.

You can get paid traffic to your blog using:

Free methods of attracting traffic include:

Video marketing (posting training and recruiting videos on video hosting sites);

Article marketing;

Notice boards;

SEO blog optimization

STEP 2: Become a subscriber list creator!

Every networker knows that the money is on the subscription list. But no one teaches how to correctly create a subscription list.

Nowadays, most networkers create their subscription list by offering their target audience something of value in exchange for their contact information. This is a worldwide practice. Give valuable freebies, and the person will voluntarily leave his contact information.

If you don't give your subscribers valuable information now, they will never buy the information they need from you later!

To start building your own MLM business, you must not just create your own subscription list, if possible, you need to automate all the main processes that affect the construction and development of an online business.

STEP 3: Create your brand and attract people to you!

Having entered into a business, a networker promotes his company and its products, counting on the fact that the target audience understands how profitable it is to consume “his” products and how promising it is to build a business with “his” company.

How wrong they are!

You are a product that needs to be promoted (no matter how strange it may sound)!

The company's products, as well as the company itself, are an extension of you!

When you are a brand and not your company, then it doesn't matter which company you are currently partnering with.

People are looking for information on how to become that leader, how to create and promote their brand on the Internet, which will bring good profits. Become a leader and teach others how to achieve this.

STEP 4: A good and clear marketing plan!

Often people join a particular company without even understanding or understanding the specifics of the marketing plan that the company offers.

This does not mean that the compensation plan is fundamental, but it is still worth taking special care to study not only the company's product line, but also the plan that it offers.

If you want to make big money in network marketing, you need to understand what the company pays this money for. After all, sometimes it is the marketing plan that does not allow beginners to get a good reward due to its complexity.

STEP 5: Receiving several types of Internet income!

In the MLM business, it is important to provide yourself with several types of income in order to always feel financially confident.

Where should a newbie start Promoting MLM Business on the Internet?

Of course, the main type of income will be a company check, but you need to think in advance about additional sources of income that will allow you to develop your MLM business comprehensively.

Of course, this refers to affiliate marketing, and in the future, the sale of your own products in the field of MLM business.

In addition to the MLM business, most well-known networkers successfully develop information business by promoting their own products: courses, webinars, seminars, coaching among their subscribers.

STEP 6: Increase your own financial literacy!

Do you know what sets all millionaires apart from other people? No, not wealth at all. And their financial literacy. Rich people know everything about money and have an idea of ​​how money works. If you have a goal to become a successful and financially independent person, and perhaps even rich, then you should learn everything about money.

Become financially literate, learn how to properly distribute your finances and plan expenses.

STEP 7: Take Action Now!

Stop thinking and studying tons of information, just start doing what you want to do. Only action is the key to successful business development.

You can always change, correct or adjust something on the way to your goal. Take the first step that will put you ahead of others.

All the steps described above are very important in building your MLM empire.

At first, not all business owners have money for promotion. How then can you find your first clients, partners and convey your idea to the target audience? We offer 5 ideas on how to promote your company on the Internet for free

How should you promote your business online?

What should you do first? This, of course, is to create a website. You can write what you do, what services you provide and leave your contact information. But if you want to gain followers and connect with them, then a blog is the best idea.
Once you have filled your blog with unique and interesting content, it’s time to attract clients and partners! This can be done as follows:

  • SEO optimization;
  • SMM promotion;
  • forums;
  • e-mail newsletters;
  • video marketing.

5 free ways to promote your business online

SEO optimization

This is website optimization for search engines. The main rule is unique content. And so that users can find you, use keywords. The Word Selection service from Yandex will help you in this matter. All that is required of you is to periodically post articles with keywords on your blog, and you will be guaranteed an influx of unique visitors.

Social media

Recently, promotion through social networks is gaining wild popularity. People hang out on social networks all day long, and therefore they will instantly recognize the information posted on your pages. This is also a great way to communicate with potential clients.
It is not necessary to use all social networks to promote your business. Choose the most popular ones in your area, create communities in them and regularly post information about your company and links leading to your blog. Don't forget to place social media buttons on your website.

Forums and other people's blogs

Even though you may be banned for explicit advertising on forums, no one will forbid you to communicate with users and tell you in passing about your product. For the same purpose, you can use well-known and frequently visited blogs: good comments will also be returned by search engines.

Email newsletters.

Inform your customers about the posting of new articles, information updates or promotions. This way they will be the first to know about your new products.

Video marketing.

Recently, people prefer videos to reading. Therefore, the most popular services began to switch to this type of business promotion. Start your own video blog, create small video descriptions of your services, cases, master classes, etc.

How to promote network marketing on the Internet and on earth

You can post your video on and similar services. Don't forget to share information on your social media pages!
As you can see, it’s not that difficult, and most importantly, it’s free! All you need is time and enthusiasm. If you liked the article, bookmark it and share it with your friends. Well, SMM Laboratory wishes you success!

Subscribe to ourTelegram channelstay up to date with new articles.

On ourInstagram channelyou will find many training videos for beginners.

OnYouTube channela lot of videos about SMM.

This article won’t fit all my experience, but let’s talk about the important elements of promotion, without which your business will not be stable.

Step #1 Setting a goal

The first and most important thing for you as a company leader is to set a measurable and clear goal. Why do you need a business? Many of my clients, by skipping only this stage, lose hundreds of thousands and millions by realizing unconscious intentions.

For example, one of my clients, instead of performing managerial duties, spent 30% of his time programming websites. And when he had a clear goal, the company’s income increased by 1.5 times.

Step #2 Who is your client?

This is the most important question that you should ask yourself constantly. If you know who your client is: what he looks like, what his habits are, what problems he has, what he is willing to pay for, where he goes, what he likes, then you have the keys to cooperation with him.

Business is a collaboration between you and your clients. If you don't know your client's profile, there are potentially very few points of contact between you and your client.

An incorrectly chosen target audience leads to a small number of sales. Usually such clients are very complex and you have to spend a lot of time on them.

Step #3 Delegation

I’ll give you an example of when I myself felt very strongly the importance of delegation. I received orders for training materials, and since I had all the materials on hand, I decided that I would do this work quickly.

It took 30 minutes to print the materials. Another 40 minutes to pack and fill out the forms. And when I came to the post office, it turned out that something was broken and they would have to send it tomorrow.

Having calculated how much time it took me (about 2 hours in total), I realized that during the same time I could come up with a plan and sell three more such sets of materials. And earn 2.5 times more.

The more you take on functions that are not yours, the more you lose.

The amount of NOT delegated Work is proportional to the Amount of Lost Money.

Step #4 Make a list of what you already use to promote your business

This is an important step to take a clear look at what resources you are already using. Don't be surprised if your list consists of 1-4 items. Many of my clients do not even know that it is important to promote their business; some have not even heard of marketing.

Make a list and analyze what results the strategies you use are bringing you. If you don't have a marketer or coach to help you grow your business, then it's important for you to understand what works for your business. How much does it cost for your client to contact you?

Step #5 Come up with new ways to promote

Why is it important for a manager (owner) to free up his time? In order to devote his functions to thinking through the company’s development strategy.

A good exercise for the brain would be to come up with 2-3 ideas every day on how to promote your business.

Test and implement in the development of your business.

Step #6 Training

You can't know what you don't know (many great people have said this). This is why it is important to educate. Much of what we are trying to come up with has already been implemented at least 20-30 years ago.

Use 3 sources for learning: books, training and coaching. They are not mutually exclusive, but complementary.

Sources pros Minuses
  1. You can read (if you like)
  2. There are many good ideas you can take from them.
  1. Selection of quality books
  2. Time consuming
  3. It's difficult to choose what's right for your business
  4. Difficult to implement knowledge
  1. Short in time
  2. Possibility to decide whether it’s suitable or not
  1. Duration is short
  2. Just the basics
  1. Give a lot of knowledge in a short period of time
  2. Learning new skills
  3. Opportunity to learn from practitioners
  4. At VIP days you can sort out your business and understand what to do
  1. Coach's choice
  2. It is important to set aside days off
  3. Fly to another city
  4. It is important to do this once every few months
Internet trainings
  1. You don’t have to go anywhere, training via the Internet
  2. Opportunity to ask questions
  3. Information + Homework
  1. Coach's choice
  2. Reports on work in the training
  1. Result guarantee
    (if the coach gives it)
  2. Personal approach
  3. All the most effective strategies that will work for you
  4. Regular meetings during designated times
  5. Implementation of skills
  1. Choosing a Coach

Step #7 You must have a Website

Having a website is standard.

How to promote an MLM business on the Internet effectively and efficiently?

A website is your business card, which is available to people 24 hours a day. It is important to ensure that your website is accessible and understandable to your customers. Better simple than bulky.

If you haven’t created a website, then order it or do it yourself (don’t forget about the delegation step) on WordPress, and then start designing it. Most often, it is enough to have a good design that takes into account the needs of your customers.

If you have a website, then think about increasing the return on it.

Step No. 8 The site should work at its maximum

Start publishing interesting materials on your topic, videos, audio, articles. Write on topics that concern your clients. The more good articles you have on your site, the more potential clients will come to you from search.

Articles can be written by your employees. Or you can order them from freelancers. It is best to have articles written by experts; this will create additional credibility for you. The stability of adding articles is also important. The topics of the articles are what people are looking for and want to know.

For example, I have a client who has about 100 articles published on his website and they bring him about 1000 people (potential clients) per day.

Step #9 Be Unique!

As harsh as it may sound, there is one unspoken rule in business: Stand out or die. If you do the same thing as everyone else, then you have no competitive advantage.

This is what is called a Unique Selling Proposition, but not only that. Many people believe that low prices, availability and other characteristics are the USP, but this is not entirely true.

People are tired of a large number of offers, and it is quite difficult to attract their attention.

Imagine a herd of cows (many sentences). And you look at them. What happens if you see a purple cow.

Step #10 Collect Contacts of Potential Clients

According to statistics, most people will become your clients only from 5-8 contacts (meetings, letters, faxes, calls, etc.).

It's great if you're in their sight. Start collecting a database of potential clients on your website. Create some kind of bonus, gift for subscribing.

For example, people come to your website and you offer them to receive a free report, book, audio, video on a topic of interest to them (related to your activities).

They leave their name and email.

And you can send them interesting news, articles and useful material. Use the service to collect contacts and maintain the mailing list

The more difficult you sell a product or service, the longer it takes them to decide whether to trust you.

There are a huge number of ways you can collect contacts of potential clients live. The idea is basically the same.

Step #11 Collect Client Contacts

It's great if you maintain a customer base. If you don't lead, then start. You can simply ask your clients to fill out a client card with a confidentiality guarantee.

My clients often forget that, according to statistics, it is always easier to sell to those who have already bought something from you:

  1. Your clients already have trust in you
  2. They may recommend your services to someone or buy something else from you.
  3. Do you have their contacts?
  4. You don’t need to waste time on incomprehensible people who still don’t know whether they will become your clients or not.

Correct work with your clients is the key to the stability of your business. To do this, it is important for you to build your sales department, give clear instructions, train, assign someone responsible and sometimes check how they are doing their job.

But this is just the beginning

Today, the global network provides enormous opportunities for advertising. It is safe to say that a company or entrepreneur that does not use the Internet for advertising loses a large percentage of customers.

We use social networks

Recently, social networks have become a good platform for advertising. They are no longer used only by young people, but by almost all segments of the population. Moreover, social networks are not only the popular Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. This is a multitude of resources, the number of which is constantly growing. For example, social networks include “Facebook”, “My World”, “Twitter”, “Professionals” and many others.

There are two ways to promote a business through a social network. The first is to create a company profile and fill it out. Filling out means indicating the most complete information about the goods or services provided. It is advisable to post photos of products or work results, prices, and contact information.

Then you need to start adding subscribers, starting, for example, with relatives, acquaintances and friends. And then start trying to add other people who might become potential clients. For example, if your activity relates to fashion and beauty, you can easily gain subscribers in the form of girls and women.

Don't spam. That is, you should not send annoying offers of goods and services to potential clients, otherwise you may be blocked.

Constantly “maintain” your page. For example, you can regularly post information about certain promotions and discounts, post new photos, reviews about your business. If the product you offer is really good and people need it, then gradually you will begin to get good returns from your social network page.

Another way to advertise on social networks is to create a group with information about the business. But this is a little more complicated, since you cannot invite everyone to the group. This means you need to spend time “promoting” the group. The undoubted advantage of the group is that it is practically capable of replacing its own website. In the group, people will be able to ask questions, and you will be able to answer them, and even give short free consultations.


Blogging is especially relevant for those who offer some services or perform some work. But those who sell goods can also start their own blog.

For example, a lawyer can review legislation on his blog and talk about interesting cases from his practice. A makeup artist can “post” examples of his work on a blog and write interesting articles about certain aspects of makeup. A clothing seller is quite capable of reviewing fashion trends and writing articles on this topic.

How to use Social Networks to promote an MLM business?

It is advisable to start a blog on a resource that has high traffic - today it can be called “Live Journal”. If you really post useful information on your blog, rest assured that you will find your readers and customers.

Own website

Not everyone has the opportunity to pay a decent amount to create a website. But today this is not at all necessary. After all, there are a large number of free website builders and hosting providers. And information about website promotion can also be easily found on the Internet. If you think that you are too old to understand all this, ask the younger generation for help - for example, relatives (children, grandchildren, nephews, etc.). Of course, for a small fee.

The main thing on the site is that there is complete information about services/products/work, and especially important, prices must be present. Some sites look like losers only because they simply do not have any price list.

Later, when your business takes off, you will allocate money to rebrand the site.

Advertising on forums

The audience of forums is certainly smaller than the audience of social networks and blogs. But it’s quite possible to try advertising your business there. You can use thematic forums or forums in your city. This is most relevant for those who provide consulting services. A person can create his own topic on the forum, leave his contacts there and invite forum participants to ask their questions.

Other advertising methods

Finally, I would like to note that if you do take up advertising on the Internet, do not abandon it. It will not give an immediate flow of clients; everything takes time. For a positive result, you need to periodically update all your resources.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic.


Network marketing is a business system aimed at promoting a product from manufacturer to consumer, bypassing intermediaries. We can talk a lot about this system for a long time, and today there is plenty of information on this matter.

Network marketing - how to make money on the Internet
There are many promotion systems in this type of business, both classic and using new technologies - Internet business. In this article we will talk about promoting this business on the Internet.

Due to the fact that most people are dissatisfied with their work (they are not satisfied with the salary or simply do not like the work), they begin to ask the question “How to make money?” Those people whose free time is very limited very often ask the question “How to make money on the Internet?” Working on the Internet in a system such as network marketing allows you to create your own home business from scratch. Not every person can boast that he is very well versed in computers and can create websites and promote them. In the MLM system, the law “the simpler the better” works. Simply put, if your work is difficult, then few people can repeat such actions, so your business will develop with difficulty. When creating your business on the Internet, you need to take this into account. Also, working on the Internet involves contact with strangers. They will call and write to you. You need to be prepared for this. Why am I talking about this!? Yes, because many people are afraid to look unprofessional, because at the initial stage of your online business, you will not have the information, and this is normal. In order to be effective, even at the initial stage of business development, you will simply need to learn how to use those tools that will talk about your business without you. Therefore, now I propose to talk about the system and actions.

When choosing an MLM company, you will need to pay special attention to the possibility of registering on the Internet. If this is not possible, then this will significantly hinder the promotion of your business.

21.03.2018 | Alexey Nesterov| No comments yet

How to promote network marketing on the Internet and on earth

Hello! Before we talk about how to promote network marketing on the Internet and on earth, let us agree that we will talk about legal network companies that have a product. And we will not talk about financial pyramids that satisfy certain...

So, many people divide business into online network marketing and offline network marketing. They believe that these are separate types of business and you can work either only on the Internet or only on land.

But I can tell you for sure that there is no division. And the Internet, namely your social networks, blog, YouTube channel, is only a means of finding contacts and making connections.

When you invite your friends to do something serious

All recruiting often takes place over the phone. As well as training, communication, etc. takes place via Skype, telephone, and even has to travel to other regions to train their teams.

Therefore, if you decide to invite people only on the Internet and want to build a really serious business that will develop for years, then get ready for expensive and long trips.

Let's now look at the ideal network marketing business scheme using the Internet and land.

How to promote network marketing on earth

Moreover, if you work in a normal network company and you have a product, then you need to promote it. If, for example, you have perfume, then I can say for sure that perfumes are not sold on the Internet. And you need to promote this product in your city. I have an article on my blog where I talk, using the example of the company I work for.

Promoting network business on earth, you will hold meetings and. And I can tell you with 100% confidence that it will be much easier to do this than with strangers or on the Internet.

And after we have created some kind of pillow and result on earth, we can show it to people on the Internet and invite them to see our result.

How to promote network marketing on the Internet

So, we already have a result that we are not ashamed to show and we are starting to invite people to see this result.

If you signed a person into your business, greet him and tell your friends about it.

People will see that something is happening in your life, you are starting to earn some money, and they will write to you.

Attention! Anecdote on topic :)

Then you can share some useful information with people. Your life experience. What you used and it brought you some results.

I highly recommend your YouTube channel and start making videos because it's the coolest content! It shows your professionalism and improves your skills in communicating with people, speaking, as well as creating and promoting your personal brand!

Read more about why you need to create your own YouTube channel.

Important! Don't resort to spam! It hasn't worked for several years now! Believe me, I checked it myself! And if at first people somehow reacted to him, now they don’t! Only proper promotion works now!

And only after you use network marketing promotion on the Internet and on earth, your results will increase!

But not separately! If someone is trying to sell you training on how to promote a network business on the Internet and says that the old methods no longer work, that you can only work on the Internet, kick him in the face! He does not understand network marketing promotion, but simply wants to make money from you!

Friends, if this article was useful to you, share it on social networks with your partners. And also write in the comments what methods of promoting an online business you use!

As you already know, we have written about this more than once on the pages of our blog; we work in cosmetic company Batel team. The team is called Beauty Style. We promote business with the Batel company mainly through the Internet. And we do it well.

I was inspired to write this article by another conversation on Skype. An unfamiliar woman approached me and asked me to help her figure out how to promote network marketing via the Internet. I outlined what exactly I do on the Internet, how I promote through the Internet cosmetic company Batel, Own business. At the same time, I thought that the question of how to promote network marketing via the Internet would not be of interest to her alone.

Now many networkers have paid close attention to the Internet. Agree that everyone wants to move from the usual, but now outdated methods of promoting MLM in the form of posting noodles, placing advertisements in newspapers and television, pestering passers-by with surveys, etc. to more modern promotion of MLM via the Internet. After all, it’s so tempting to sit at home at the computer, in slippers and a cozy robe with a mug of hot coffee, to promote your MLM and receive bonuses.

What’s most interesting is that many people think that it’s enough to make a website for your business and product, and that’s it, the business is off! But behind the external simplicity lies a lot of knowledge, skills, labor and diligence.

First, let's define the goal. What do you want to get from working online? If your task is recruitment (invitation to your project), then you need to get as many contacts as possible. You need people to whom you can make your offer.

On the Internet everything is exactly the same as in reality, only virtually.

How can you propose to a stranger in your city? Of course, get to know each other first! Chat. Find out how he lives, what his interests are, whether he needs money, etc. Perhaps he himself will ask what exactly you do. You can ask him yourself what he thinks about your business. It will come out unobtrusively and naturally.

That is, the Internet is a tool with which you can meet an unlimited number of people. Now you need to master the basics of this tool. Imagine you bought a car and you need to learn how to drive it.

You don’t need to understand how the engine works, why the wheels spin, etc. You just need to master the basics of the driving technique itself and learn the rules by which other drivers drive. At the same time, you definitely need to know how to start the car, how to turn the steering wheel, how to brake and accelerate, etc.

That is, you need a minimum of computer literacy knowledge. And this is where you need to start.

You must be fluent in using Skype, email, navigate social networks, perhaps be able to make a holiday card to congratulate friends on the holiday, etc. That is, you need knowledge of computer ABC. Without knowing the basics of working on a computer, you simply won’t succeed in promoting your business via the Internet.

There are many courses on computer literacy, both paid and free. It is better to choose such a course on the recommendation of a person you trust.

You can find many good courses for free on the Internet. But the point is:

  • You need to know where and how to find these courses.
  • Be able to evaluate the value of such courses
  • Often knowledge is given separately and unsystematically
  • It is not realistic for a beginner to understand such a flow on his own.
  • If you use free courses, you will not have the opportunity to ask questions to the author of these courses.

And by paying a low, often purely symbolic, amount for the course, you can get the opportunity to:

  • Learn computer literacy online
  • Opportunity to ask any question on a topic that interests you to an expert or trainer
  • Practical assistance from the course author
  • Learn the computer alphabet faster and more correctly

The biggest difficulty in mastering a computer at first is that a person arrives at complete confusion from the multitude of avalanches of the most varied and new information that has washed over him from the Internet. It often happens that a newbie on the Internet starts looking for one thing, then something interests him and he immediately switches to something else, then jumps even further, etc. etc. That's all. The man got lost and forgot what he originally wanted to find and study.

Based on the experience I have gained in promoting network marketing via the Internet, I want to say that it is not at all necessary to be an Internet webmaster and programmer in order to convey your information to people. This can even be done through social networks. But you must have a clear goal that is meaningful to you and a system that will help you achieve this goal.

That is, every day, at least 2-4 hours, you need to look for new contacts on the Internet, communicate, study, etc. And if you do this systematically, without giving up halfway, then the result will definitely be. Over time, you will develop a clear system. You will know well what to do and what not to do.

You can create the system yourself. But it will be much better for you if you enter an already existing system that was created and promoted by professionals. The ideal option for any networker would be when the system of work that your mentor uses in your company matches your idea of ​​it.

In our team Beauty Style there is such a system. We have prepared for you all the necessary tools that you can use for your work.

But, again, in order to objectively evaluate this system, you either yourself need to have personal experience and at least a minimum of knowledge of computer ABC. Or find a person on the Internet who can help you figure it out.

The most important thing for you now is to learn how to meet and communicate on the Internet with people you previously did not know. Only from personal communication can you understand how much a person has the information you need, whether he is valuable to you, whether he can be trusted, etc.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how advanced you are on the Internet now. You need the bare minimum of knowledge – computer literacy. And you will have a real opportunity to promote your MLM business via the Internet. To do this, you need to learn how to meet people and communicate with them. If you learn to do this easily, then your business will be built easily and quickly.

I wish you success in mastering the Internet and quickly promoting your mlm business via the Internet!