What is printing? The printing industry. Printing and typography: we analyze all the nuances. Typographic measures versus metric measures

These are products produced by printing houses as a result of the production technological chain of the printing process: product design, pre-press preparation, post-press and finishing work.

To receive quality printing products, requires high qualifications and experience of many people, high-quality materials, modern equipment, as well as coordinated work of all departments whose goal is prompt production printing products high quality.

Modern printing houses are divided into two large groups. As a rule, large printing houses print products in large circulations (newspapers, magazines, etc.), while online printing salons offer urgent printing of small runs of printed products, usually of an advertising nature.

3. Promotional Products . This group of products is perhaps the most numerous in terms of the types of advertising printed products offered: these are both, and, leaflets with and without, and posters, etc. can also be classified as advertising printed materials that work directly at the point of sale and stimulate the buyer to purchase a product. Advertising products are the most diverse products in their implementation, because they have a very difficult task - to attract the attention of a potential client, interest him, and convey information about the product and service offered. Therefore, advertising specialists are forced to constantly come up with new types of advertising products that can interest and surprise potential clients of the company and attract their attention. Printing houses, in order to produce competitive advertising products, have to look for ways and possibilities to bring the most unusual design ideas to life.

4. Calendar products. - the most multifunctional. Calendars serve a variety of functions: time management and business planning, a wonderful office decoration, a wonderful gift and an effective advertising medium. No wonder the calendar is a very popular printing product. For 16 years, both individual orders and wholesale have been one of the leading activities of our company. We know the intricacies of the process, so we offer you the production of all types of calendars: desk calendars, the most popular calendars for the office - convenient and attractive and pyramid calendars, and, of course, our faithful little helpers -. We produce timesheets necessary for accountants, calendars for gardeners and gardeners, indicating all fasts and holidays. We also produce non-standard “image” calendars using die-cut forms and exclusive finishing.

Printed products- products of the printing industry. A significant group of printed products consists of various types of printed products (newspapers, magazines, books, posters, sheet music, art reproductions and albums, postcards, geographical and other maps, calendars, children's printed games, etc.).

Another, so-called industrial group of printed products consists of packaging products, labels, accounting and reporting documents, various forms, travel and entertainment tickets, notebooks, printed Christmas tree decorations, securities, wallpaper, etc.

Printing reproduction is based on the principle of obtaining any number of identical images using pressure. The process of obtaining printed products is divided into the following stages: production of the printing form, printing itself (receiving impressions on paper or other material) and finishing of the product.

Depending on the type of printing form in printing technology, the following main technological options are distinguished: letterpress, intaglio, flat and screen printing.

Types of printed forms for printing products

A - for letterpress printing; B - for intaglio printing: a - space element; b - printing element

Letterpress characterized by the fact that the printing elements of the form, which must transfer ink to paper or other material, are in relief, rising above the white-space elements that do not transmit the image. Forms of letterpress printing include: typesetting, used to reproduce text, zincography, woodcut (woodcut), linocut (linoleum engraving), intended to reproduce illustrations, as well as stereotypes.

Intaglio printing differs from high in that the printing elements of the form are recessed, and the white spaces lie on the surface. The depth of the printing elements varies. Varieties of intaglio printing are the widespread squeegee intaglio printing, rarely used etching, incisive engraving and other methods that have lost their industrial significance.

Flat printing characterized by the fact that the printing and space elements lie practically in the same plane (without relief). The possibility of printing from such a form is based on the different physical and chemical properties of the printing and space elements, the first of which accept greasy paint well, and the second, retaining moisture, do not accept greasy paint. Flat printing includes: offset printing, lithography, phototype.

Offset printing (offset)- a printing method in which the image is transferred to paper not directly from the form, as is the case in a printing machine, but through an intermediate elastic rubber shaft.

Lithography— printing from forms made on stone or aluminum.

Screen printing is based on the use of a form with printing elements that allow ink to pass through, and blank elements coated with an insulating material that does not allow ink to pass through. Screen printing includes silk-screen forms in which the printing and space elements are formed on silk fabric (fine mesh) stretched over a frame.

Typographic measures versus metric measures

Letterpress printing is currently most widespread, the main type of printing form of which is typesetting; text in typesetting is reproduced by composing words, phrases, etc. from relief elements - letters, the set of which forms the so-called font. To measure type and typesetting, a typographical system of measures is used, the units of which are a point equal to 0.376 mm and a square equal to 48 points or 18 mm.

Typographic fonts They differ in language (Russian, Latin, Armenian, etc.), sizes, designs and styles. The font size is called pin ; it is determined by the distance between the upper and lower walls of the letter and is measured in points (for example, in point 10, the distance between these walls is 10 points, or 3.76 mm). A set of fonts of the same design, but of different sizes and styles, is called g fittings .

Fonts of different sizes (popular in the 50-60s)

Font designs differ in some details, contrast (the ratio of the thicknesses of the main and connecting strokes of letters) and other graphic characteristics. Inside the typefaces, the fonts, in addition to sizes, differ in style: upright and italic (oblique); light, bold and bold; normal, narrow and wide. In the USSR in the late fifties and sixties, the range of typographic fonts was determined by GOST 3489-57, which included various typefaces used in different types of printed products.

Printing or printing process was invented in the fifteenth century, with every century, decade, and also year this process is improved. Everything changes, from the technology that prints to the paint that is poured. Today, there are numerous types of printing as well as printing all over the world. It will take a lot of time to describe each species, and the information obtained could fill a whole book. This article describes popular types of printing.

Types of printing

The first group of printing includes standard. It produces rolls and sheets. Another name is offset. This printing method involves transferring ink onto the printing plate not directly, but through a cylinder. It is in the middle between material and form. Thanks to this method, the bulk of printed products (packaging, advertising products, books, magazines) are published this way. This type of printing produces very high-quality products, and is economical when a large number of copies are printed.

The second group of printing includes digital printing, or as it is also called online printing. This is what the online printing house Vizitka.com and most modern printing houses use. This printing method is quite young, and the paint used for printing is significantly different from the previous type. When material is printed in several copies, they may differ from each other. This printing method also differs from the one described above in that the printing itself takes place in a machine. Digital printing uses the following printing:

  • inkjet printing;
  • electrographic;
  • ionography.

Electrographic printing uses special water-based toners. The image is obtained thanks to the electrodes that are on special paper. The image appears when the electrodes begin to interact with the paper. When the image is developed, it then begins to acquire the desired colors thanks to the liquid toner. This method is most often used in digital systems.

An ionographic image is created on a special cylindrical shape, which, when interacted with a current pulse, produces a result. A certain amount of electrical impulse forms the paint into a gel. The huge advantage of this type of printing is that it uses ink economically, and the printed images are bright, colorful and saturated.

The advantage of digital printing is that it is much more economical if printed in small quantities. It also fulfills orders in a short time, which is what the client most often needs.

The cost of an individual copy with digital printing methods does not depend on the size of the circulation, and producing small volumes is cost-effective.

Among the various services offered to the population is printing - the production of a variety of printed products. But not everyone understands the importance of this type of activity.

The fairly common word “printing” evokes in different people an association with colorful posters or posters, or, in extreme cases, with a publishing house that produces a book. Those who are directly connected with it are far from indifferent. For them, printing is one of the main pillars on which the fame of the enterprise rests. Because maintaining not only your name, but also the image of the company as a whole depends on advertising printing products. And therefore for them this term has a slightly different meaning. According to its capabilities, it can satisfy the demand of any client: not only an individual, but also a large enterprise and organization that needs printed products.

Printing and its importance for advertisers

Modern printing is one of the industrial sectors that is engaged in the reproduction of printed material, as well as the production of books and magazines, newspapers, labels and packaging products. And the services offered in the form of releasing a variety of products are in demand among advertisers. Therefore, today printing is an opportunity to satisfy the demand of any client.

For many companies, paper business cards, various posters, and various advertising products that are in demand are a way to attract the attention of consumers. Therefore, for them, printing is an opportunity to get the right product according to their requests and needs; it becomes an integral part of their professional activities.

The role of design in printed products

In printing products, the main place is occupied by printing design, because the future of organizations in the distribution of goods depends on it. For people, for example, this is simply a colorfully designed invitation that is pleasant to hold in their hands, which lifts their spirits. Specialists working in this field provide a full range of services designed for any consumer audience. Because the printing design of any execution project carries a semantic load and plays the role of a motivating factor to purchase a product or service.

The importance of printing in people's lives

The term “printing” itself is a concept of a generalized meaning; it can be attributed both to a separate area of ​​​​production of printed materials, and to goods produced by printing. But this does not change the meaning. And it all depends on the different areas of activity of the printing industry, as well as on the number of printing products that are used for various purposes.

The concept of "operational printing" is the release and production of a variety of printed products. It implies a small circulation of products in a very short time with the transfer of different colors of ink on the carrier and includes several processes of technology associated with the concept of “on-line printing”.

Printing from a finished product mockup is operational printing. And it can be offset and digital. The need for rapid printing arises in a variety of situations, for example, when additional runs of a finished product are required, or when there is a need to create a new one. also apply to online printing.

Advertising printing is the engine of progress

We inevitably see advertising products every day and everywhere: in everyday life, squares and parks, street avenues, offices. Accordingly, promotional products produced by the printing house are very wide in terms of assortment. Its basis is the idea, the level of design skills and high-quality printing. Therefore, the production of booklets, catalogs and posters requires careful preparation with the development of unique ideas, slogans and uniform styles.

What do printing services include?

Products of this type of printing include:

  • Various in format and quality of material used, which are the cheapest media in this area.
  • Calendars and posters differ only in size, but carry a wealth of information about the products.
  • Catalogs and brochures are designed mainly for the target audience with many color illustrations.
  • stickers are the expression of the company's face, protection against counterfeits and carrying information about them.
  • Notepads and various types of notebooks, postcards, serve as reminders and are excellent promotional material.

Surely many who have had to order printed products at least once in their lives have wondered how the two concepts differ - printing and typography.

Under the concept "printing" understand the industry that deals with the reproduction of printed materials.

There are several types of printing:

  • Deep;
  • Flat;
  • Stencil;
  • High.

In addition, there are different printing methods, which are divided into:

  • Digital printing;
  • Offset printing;
  • Digital offset printing;
  • Silkscreen printing;
  • Embossing;
  • Sublimation;
  • Flexography.

If speak about printing houses, then we are talking about a printing production enterprise. As a rule, everything necessary to send a print order is prepared there, the image is applied to the media, the circulation is printed, and printed products are processed.

Today, all over the world, both large printing houses and small organizations provide their services for the creation of printed products. Regardless of their size, they can specialize in all printing methods and types of printed products, that is, be universal, or in just one thing.

How does the printing house work?

This is a very complex technological process, so errors in operation can be irreparable or unprofitable for the enterprise. Fortunately, since the advent of computers and their stronghold in human life, the work process has become much easier, especially when it comes to the safety of information and images. After all, now all electronic versions of products can always be found in the data storage system.

Today, there are many companies that manufacture or supply server systems, computer equipment and comprehensive IT solutions for corporate enterprises, government agencies, and government agencies. Among them, the ASKOD company received a special place and recognition from customers.

Why is it so difficult to organize the process of creating printed products, and what is important to take into account at each stage of the work?

As a rule, all printing houses operate according to the same principle. Work on an order is divided into several stages, for each of which one or another employee, or a group of specialists, if necessary, is responsible.

Purchasing and delivering all the necessary consumables, processing them, organizing printing processes - all this requires a lot of effort and time. In addition, in order to start the workflow itself, it is necessary to pay close attention to synchronizing the actions of all printing house employees.
Like many other organizations, the printing house begins its work by searching for clients who want to order printed products, with whom they still need to agree on the type of service, cost and timing.

After all the nuances of future cooperation between the two parties have been agreed upon, the order is sent to the printing house for pre-press preparation. Very often the client has no idea what exactly he would like to receive and what it will look like. Here everything depends on the typography designer, who will come up with or select a design that meets the customer’s requirements and make a layout. After the customer approves the layout, the files are processed, after which printed forms are produced from them.

Next, the order goes to the printing shop, where paper is already cut for it, technical specifications are drawn up, which will accompany this order until it is completely manufactured. Only at this stage can the printing house printer begin work. As practice shows, finding a true specialist in this field is not so easy.

The final stage of order preparation takes place in the finishing shop , where the completed form goes.

As you can see, printing and typography are two closely related concepts, the meaning of which is quite easy to understand.