Banner networks are an effective promotion tool and additional income online. Pay-per-view affiliate programs Pay-per-view banner networks

Pay per click or per impression.

Some work based on clicks, others on impressions, but nevertheless, this is an eternal topic of debate - what is more profitable than clicks or impressions.

I use two payment formats, and let me tell you the logic I came up with for myself:

Pay per click.

Simple and clear - put 1000 rubles, received 300 clicks. In this case, we don’t care about the number of impressions or the CTR (I have ads with an insignificant CTR, and 3k clicks for 3 rubles). Most of my ads run at a CAP of 0.02 per impression. You only pay for those people who are interested in your product.

The main problem is that it is not always possible to make a click cheap - you set 4 rubles - the ads don’t run, 5 rubles - the ads don’t run, 8 rubles - barely. And if standard methods did not help us in this case - such as making 20 different ads so that at least something would catch the user, he would click on the ad and thereby increase the rate of its impressions, then we convert the ads into payment for impressions.

When I use pay per click:

1. With a very wide audience - if I understand that my product is potentially interesting to athletes, but not to all 400 thousand people who fall under my targeting criteria. Large audience - we pay for clicks. Let only those who are interested in the product click.

2. If I am unsure of my target audience. With controversial audiences, when I don’t know in advance whether my product will be interesting to this audience and I want to check the result, I also click.

Payment for impressions.

Theoretically, it saves money if your product or service is really interesting and you know how to create “tasty ads.” Cons - you need to monitor the indicators, you can waste a LOT of money.

In this case, both who the ads are targeted to and how the ads look are important. If the ads and product are interesting to your target audience, they click on the ads, your CAP increases, and you get cheap traffic. When paying for impressions, you need to try to ensure that the CAP is higher than at least 0.03%, otherwise it turns out to be unreasonably expensive, it is advisable to have a CAP of 0.06%, then you will really save money.

When I use pay per impression:

1. When I am confident in my target audience - if I know that the target audience, which I have targeted is interested in my product (audience of competitors, similar communities, etc.) and they will definitely click.

2. When my audience is less than 30k people - well, I just made a rule for myself that if there are few people, then it is more profitable to deliver impressions than clicks.

3. When there is a lot of competition and pay-per-click ads don't work. In this case, paying for impressions will be more useful.

Again, both options need to be tested. If you have a wide audience, make 7 ads for clicks, 3 for impressions. Run and check the result.

Are you confident in your target audience? Make 7 ads for impressions, 3 for clicks - check the results.

The RealTraf advertising network is an affiliate program with stable payments for more than 3 years. Moreover, payments are made daily, and the minimum amount is only 30 rubles. The actions of advertisers are controlled, thanks to which most of the advertising with viruses and mobile redirects is eliminated.

Webunder is a good affiliate program; I place their advertisements on one of the sites myself. The punch is excellent, the prices are the same, the formats are acceptable. It is prohibited to place clickunder advertising of other systems; adult sites and sites with such advertising are also not accepted. Clicker is paid for clicks, scroller is paid for views. Russian visitors give the greatest profit, the scroller format works especially well on all sites. It does not require activity from users, unlike clickander, and besides, clickander can be subject to sanctions from search engines, but scroller cannot. Prices are higher for the clickander format except for .

Advmaker is a well-known affiliate program. Many gaming and file sites install this affiliate program; even Letitbit previously collaborated with Advmaker. Among the advertising formats, this network has bright and sometimes even boring ones, but it is capable of bringing big profits webmasters, as it is able to get a high CTR. If you choose (Static Banner), then there will be no problems with annoying, excessive brightness and search engines.

AdTwirl can be said to be a new affiliate program of Runet, since the Russian version of the affiliate program was launched at the end of July 2012. I learned about this site from WapOstap support. AdTwirl is a specific affiliate program, they specialize in, one of the fastest growing among competitors, there are few Russians there yet, but advertisements yes - after installing the code, I went to the site to see if the ads were showing -> they were showing. Although the main contingent of this network is English-speaking, withdrawal and deposit are available using Webmoney and PayPal.

This post will look at iframe affiliate programs that can bring you profit from traffic of any quality. Recently, the IFrame format has become less and less popular, many affiliate programs have closed, there are very few left, and there are even fewer of those who pay. The table provides the most reliable options.

Pay-per-impression advertising is suitable for sites with more than 100-300 unique visitors per day. Otherwise, the income will be pitiful, since they don’t pay very much for displaying banners, counters and teasers. On average, this is approximately 30-100 rubles per thousand impressions.

Here are the most expensive and paid ones:


To start working with us you need:



WizarWizard-banners, pay-per-impression banners allow you to make money on traffic using media advertising. Sites with traffic from 1 host per day.
Minimum payout amount – 200 rubles. Resources on free hosting sites dedicated to making money online that violate the law are not accepted.
There are several ad formats available.
The most paid ones are Rich-media (up to 65 rubles per 1000 impressions) and AdSpot (up to 35 rubles per 1000 impressions).
Rich-media is a pop-up Flash banner up to 640x480 pixels in size, which is located on top of the site in the center of the browser window. It can be closed.
AdSpot– a type of pop-up banner up to 300x250 pixels in size. It is located in the lower right or lower left part of the site. With proper skill it closes easily. AdSpot is much less aggressive than Rich-media and less annoying to visitors.

Works, unlike the networks listed above, only with serious advertisers. Only high-quality media advertising will be presented on your website.
Each site is moderated. The resource's traffic must be at least 300 RU hosts per day. The site must be located on paid hosting and not violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
The largest number of advertisers revolve around information and entertainment topics, which includes most sites, including this one.
Pingmedia offers several ad formats. There is Rich-media. But the pop-up banner is not shown to all visitors, but only to the audience of interest to the advertiser. As a result, for 300 hosts there will be an average of about 100 impressions.
The prices are not encouraging. On average, for 1000 Rich-media impressions you will earn 35-45 rubles.
At the same time, search engines do not really like aggressive Rich-media, and despite the fact that the banner is easily closed, this can cause a drop in positions in the search results. Plus, because of this advertising format, the depth of site viewing by visitors is seriously reduced, which worsens the behavioral factor, which also affects the site’s position in search.
You can set a calmer format - this is a banner 240x400 pixels. Here there will be significantly more impressions in relation to the number of unique visitors. But you will earn less - approximately 8-10 rubles per 1000 banner impressions.

Good luck!!!

Passive income on the site has been and remains a serious issue for webmasters, so Maxtarget with payment for banner impressions will come in handy.

In this area, in recent years there has been a very serious decline in terms of the quantity and quality of proposals. Small systems cannot hold out for long, but large ones can’t last long.

McStarget is a new banner affiliate program, the argument in favor of which (at first consideration) I see is as follows. She pays daily for the previous day. Dot.

Everyone is already used to it major players They pay according to the Net30 scheme, and this is extremely inconvenient. In addition, it is impossible to predict in the current market conditions whether there will be payments at all. Therefore, such systems, ready to pay daily, require your closest attention and experiments with making money on sites.

For example, a 240*400 banner might look like this.

Maxtarget banner affiliate review

First, let me turn to the conditions for accepting resources: I must say that they are quite strict and limit the acceptance of traffic in violation of copyright.

BUT! Banner McStarget promises to pay up to 200 rubles per 1000 impressions. Whether this is true or not needs to be checked. It’s a pity that I myself don’t have any resources that fit their requirements, taking into account the topic.

How to add a site

First, enter the URL into the form.

The system checks it for a couple of seconds, and then gives the opportunity to create a block of the required size and graphic design.

Then you need to confirm ownership of the resource and install codes. There is a placeholder form into which you can insert other banner affiliate programs with payment for impressions or teaser networks.

You can use the help of specialists from the affiliate program itself by first filling out the fields with the necessary information.

After sending it for moderation, McStarget analyzes the traffic on the site and issues a CPM, according to which it is ready to work with payment for banner impressions. To speed up the assessment process, you can provide access to Yandex.metrics.

Withdrawal of money is carried out daily to dollar wallets of VMS WebMoney - upon request from your personal account.

Greetings to all! Today I would like to introduce you to a way to monetize your website using pay-per-impression banner networks. is an advertising platform that mainly pays for impressions and has advantages for well-visited sites, since banners Advertur You can safely put it, for example, in the sidebar (usually it has a low click-through rate) and watch how the money drips into your balance!

If you don’t know what to choose, an affiliate program with payment for impressions or for conversions, then The best decision combine both options!

Advantages of banner advertising service – Advertur

Financial issue

  • Minimum withdrawal amount you decide on your wallet yourself (from 15 rubles), payments occur once a month.
  • Payout speed, also makes me happy. They pay at the beginning of the month for the previous one.
  • Payments can be ordered as a percentage to different electronic wallets. Including on, and the ePayments system. Legal persons can order payments via account.

System support

The main advantage of the Advertur system is its consultants. In addition to the standard tech. support, here there are three directions, which will help you: competently implement the installation of code on the site, increase the CPM of the advertising block and increase traffic to your project.

Although the support here is not very fast, often the answer comes the next day, but it is complete and detailed!

  • Ad unit installation consultant, will help you place advertising on the site so that everything is displayed correctly. If necessary, it will make one from several blocks if you have a “rubber” website (adaptive for mobile devices) so that the blocks are not cut off and are completely visible on the site.
  • Profitability Consultant site, will tell you where it is better to place blocks, which ones are the most profitable for your topic and will answer all your questions, which will allow you to increase your advertising income.

  • Traffic Increase Consultant, is an undeniable advantage of this affiliate program with payment for impressions, since such consultations elsewhere cost a pretty penny.

Banner advertising blocks

  1. Standard advertising blocks, popular sizes, here I have arranged them in order of decreasing by CPM: 300x250, 240x400, 728x90, 160x600, 468x60.
  1. For monetization mobile traffic, when creating an advertising banner, check the checkbox “Together with the block to give mobile advertising» , and then mobile traffic will be additionally monetized, and the mobile format is the most expensive.

  1. This affiliate program for advertising impressions has another expensive format - "pop-up banner". This banner may hide some of the content, depending on the design of your site, but if you are focused on maximum income, then use this ad format with pay per impressions.

Also read how to track website positions in search engines by key phrases.

Exchange criteria and installation of banner advertising on the site

To begin with, you should read system rules and register. I will note the main criteria:

  • accept sites with visitors from 250 uniques per day, but they can make an exception;
  • this exchange banner advertising takes only those sites that are located on paid hosting!
  • When registering you must provide access from independent statistics(for example, Metrica or Analytics, etc.).

If everything is in order with these criteria for your site, then you can safely place advertising on your site with payment for impressions.

Installing banner media advertising on a website

  1. In order to start earning add a website, wait for moderation and select advertising format, which you want to display on the site.

  1. Once you decide on a block, don't forget put a plug(it is shown in cases where it is not possible to find advertising for your visitors), this can be advertising from any other network, including Adsense.

  1. For visitors who use ad blocker, you can add any inscription.

  1. You can copy and paste the resulting code into your website.

That's all! The way to monetize your website using pay-per-impression advertising will add to your website revenue. After all, by placing banners from Advertur on those positions that are least clickable, you can increase your income, since impressions are paid here.

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